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Search for 'Online gaming' returned 16 results.

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Gleemax *But Were Afraid to Ask
game: Gleemax
editorial | 09/06/07 | Chris Martin
We went in expecting Magic the Gathering Online Version 3, but what we got was much, much bigger than we anticipated. PAX 07 was great for a number of reasons - concerts, contests, Family Feud - but Wizards of the Coast\'s ace in the hole Gleemax took us aback, slapped us around, and handed to us the most complete vision of an online gaming community we\'ve ever seen. Complete with indie game developer support, event hosting, and cross-game currency and trading. Don\'t know about Gleemax? You should, and here\'s why...
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Entropia Universe: The Blurring of Reality and Fantasy
game: Entropia Universe
editorial | 05/15/07 | Monica Hafer
There\'s quiet a bit of talk these days about the new wave of online gaming. One of the most publicized is the notion of real-life economies where a person can make a living doing what they love most--gaming! But often times these games aren\'t really judged as a gaming experience and only get press for their entrepreneurial events. In an attempt to penetrate the \"real-deal\" of Entropia Universe, it is necessary to make the investment of time to discover its complexity and uniqueness.
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The Official GamesFirst! Guide to Achievement Points
game: Xbox 360
editorial | 06/06/06 | Matt James
Xbox Live\'s ability to record achievements adds an entirely new dimension to online gaming. Suddenly, everything you do matters, and achieving a high gamer score is like managing to break into the top ten at the local video arcade (if you lived in the \'80s). In this article, we sit down with an Xbox 360 controller and a stack of games to find out the best ways to raise your gamer score with as little work as possible. Geometry Wars might be fun, but it\'s nearly a waste of time if you\'re interested in raising your stats. Madden 2006, though? It\'s a goldmine for even the unskilled footballer. And it\'s not the only one.
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What Xbox Live Needs Is...
game: Xbox Live
editorial | 03/05/06 | Shawn Rider
Xbox Live is an excellent gaming service, and by all accounts the best thing going for ease of use and consistent reliability. It\'s the only online game in town so far when it comes to the home console, too. But that is about to change: With Nintendo and Sony both rolling out competing online gaming services this year, Xbox Live needs to be at the top of its game. So far it has been doing well, but we thought we\'d help out by offering up a few ideas we have for improving the Xbox Live service. Check out Shawn\'s editorial here.
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Wireless Networking Tips for Xbox 360
game: Xbox 360
news | 02/13/06 | Shawn Rider
Jake Ludington from MediaBlab sent word of his recent posting, which details how to segment your wireless network to optimize Xbox Live performance. The tutorial focuses on Xbox 360 optimization, but we imagine it will work just as well for improving online gaming on any Xbox. And you could apply the network segmentation approach to virtually any computer on your wireless network to optimize performance. The instructions are good and the advice is sound. Check it out.
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Revolution Coming in May? With a New Name?
game: Nintendo Revolution
news | 11/28/05 | Shawn Rider
The Revolution is shaping up to be a phenomenal console, what with built-in emulation for every previous Nintendo console, downloadable retro games, online gaming, and a unique controller that has spawned huge debates about the future of gaming. Kotaku has gotten the early word on Nintendo\'s E3 Press Conference, which will be held May 9, 2006. The letter from Nintendo refers to \"our next home console, code-named Revolution,\" which has us wondering if we won\'t hear about the long-rumored console name-change. In addition, Kotaku points us to an article on Revolution Report about a patent application that defines an interface not unlike the Xbox Dashboard. Click on over and get the advanced word. We\'ll follow all of these assertions as details unfold.
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No PlayStation LIVE for PS3
game: Playstation 3
news | 11/03/05 | George Holomshek
Sony recently confirmed to Playstation Magazine that they will utilize a non-centralized system for online multiplayer on the PS3, sticking with their departure from Microsoft\'s Xbox Live or Nintendo\'s Wi-Fi Connection services. Sticking with an online gaming strategy similar to how the PS2 currently handles online gaming means that game publishers have much greater flexibility with their online content. It also means that gamers will need different accounts for each game they play online, and also makes it more difficult for developers to insure an even playing ground in online multiplayer.
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Ubicom StreamEngine
game: Ubicom StreamEngine
preview | 05/11/05 | Shawn Rider
Ubicom's StreamEngine is a standalone device for network traffic shaping. That means, it's a little box you can plugin to your network so your Bit Torrent Downloads don't interfere with your online gaming. We were lucky to get a little time with an early demo unit, and so far it's looking good. Check it out in this preview.
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D-Link DI-604 Ethernet Broadband Router Review
game: D-Link DI-604 Ethernet Broadband Router
review | 05/22/03 | Shawn Rider
We\'re firm believers in the D-Link tradition of high quality network hardware at good prices. The DI-604 is a phenomenal unit, and it\'s even approved by Microsoft for use with the Xbox. That means this bad boy will have you online gaming and keeping your home LAN secure for ages to come. Get the whole review right here.
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Interview: Bill Wohnoutka, Director of Commercial Development for Level 3
interview | 04/09/03 | Shawn Rider
Level 3 is one of those companies you don\'t hear about very often. They supply the equipment and technologies that make our online games go, and they\'ve had a hand in some of the most successful online gaming endeavors of the past several years. We got a chance to sit down with Bill Wohnoutka to help us figure out just what these folks do and why we care. Click here for the whole story behind the scenes.
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Xbox LIVE Goes Live
game: Xbox LIVE Goes Live
news | 11/28/02 | Shawn Rider
If you don\'t have one of these kits at right, then you probably won\'t be able to find one right now. But have no fear -- new shipments of Xbox LIVE Starter Kits are rocketing out as you read this. Xbox LIVE has launched, and in the short time it has been available over 150 thousand gamers have signed up, making it the fastest growing online gaming service ever. Sound like fun? It is.
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City of Heroes Preview (PC)
game: City of Heroes
preview | 05/30/02 | Aaron Stanton
Developed under the tutelage of online gaming giant Richard Garriot, NCSoft\'s latest endeavour, City of Heroes, is a MMORPG with a twist. Rather than the typical fantasy setting, you get to create your own superhero and vanquish evil. Tons of customization options and a cool gameplay setup should make this a hit. Click here.
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Article: The Console Wars Go Online
editorial | 05/29/02 | Shawn Rider
With all of the different console manufacturers launching their online components this year, it can be tough to sort it all out. So I put together Back to the Front: The Console Wars Go Online to outline the facts and offer up some analysis. See what you think.
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Back to the Front: The Console Wars Go Online
Articles Archive | 05/29/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
One of the ubiquitous topics of E3 this year was online gaming. Specifically, online gaming for consoles was in the air and not since Sega announced SegaNet has there been more interest in the topic. Of course, SegaNet taught us quite a few things “ most importantly that it is possible and enjoyable to play console titles online. It also taught us that a lot can be done with a 56.6 Kb connection and that it is essential to allow groups of local players to take on groups of remote players. SegaNet gave us so much, and many of us Dreamcast fanboys felt more than a twinge of sadness at the death of the system, which didn't wither into old age, but was rather sacrificed for the greater good of the parent company. I can picture the Dreamcast kneeling before a row of Sega execs, knife poised at his chest, "I am sorry I have failed to bring Sega out of the pit it had dug well before I was conceived. Forgiveness, please?"

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WildTangent: Divergent Business Model for Online Gaming and Distribution
Articles Archive | 05/28/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Although they sounded intriguing, it wasn't the martinis and massages that lured me into the WildTangent room at E3. As a member of the media, the invites for drinks were as free flowing as T-shirts and temporary tattoos for the normal E3 attendee. Yet, as I was winding my way through the mayhem that is E3, I was surprised to see a rather large woman in a purple shirt handing out gamedisks. With quasi-anorexic booth babes the norm in this venue, I was surprised to note that all of the WildTangent women (as that's who they were) were larger-than-life and exceptionally friendly. I wondered, "Who would be so bold as to flaut tradition and hire large, fully clothed women to entice players to check out a booth?" The answer turned out to be a company that has used just such divergent thinking in all areas of their marketing: WildTangent.
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