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Search for 'PGR' returned 17 results.

PGR 4 Review
game: Project Gotham Racing 4
review | 10/24/07 | Chris Martin
Fans of racing games take note: Project Gotham Racing 4 is a dream come true--lots of exotic cars, tons of tracks, weather effects, Bulldog Mode, and a rock-solid career mode to boot. Oh yeah, and motorcycles. PGR4 might be working a gamer niche that is already supersaturated by the likes of Forza, PGR3, and Burnout. But it still manages, despite it\'s competition, to be a furiously enjoyable racer with more variety than it perhaps knows what to do with.
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Comparing the CryEngine2 to Real Life
game: Crysis
news | 06/07/06 | Aaron Stanton
Several months ago, a number of EvilGamer.com images began circulating around the web. Released before the launch of the Xbox 360, the images compared PGR3 screenshots to their real-life counterparts out here in the real world. Now there\'s a new image that\'s making the rounds, this time comparing screenshots from Crysis, using the CryEngine2 from CryTek, to two real-world photographs. The results are extremely impressive. Combine these visuals with CryTek\'s insistence that Crysis will push the boundaries of both storytelling and gameplay, and you have a game worth keeping an eye on. Crysis is expected to ship for the PC in the Fall of 2006.
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Shadowgrounds Review
game: Shadowgrounds
review | 05/04/06 | George Holomshek
Shadowgrounds is an independently developed European title that comes to North America thanks to Meridian 4, who has also recently announced that Shadowgrounds will be carried on Valve\'s popular Steam service. Featuring frantic top-down shooter action with excellent lighting and plenty of weapons upgrades, Shadowgrounds isn\'t a complicated game, it\'s just fun. Check out George\'s review for the full story.
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Acclaim is Back!
game: BOTS
news | 03/02/06 | Shawn Rider
Game publisher Acclaim has risen from the ashes and is making a comeback. So far the publisher has two titles in the works: BOTS and 9 Dragons. BOTS is, obviously, a robot-based game which allows players to customize their metal men to their liking, purchasing new items online. These upgrades, which number in the hundreds, help make the BOTS undefeatable machines of mayhem as players compete with each other in the arena. This is the first from the company, which plans for many more. Oh, and did we mention that this is a totally FREE online game? Yep. Get more on the rebirth of one of gaming\'s oldest brands right here.
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SOE Announces Station Access: One Subscription for Multiple MMOs
game: The Station Access Collection
news | 02/14/06 | Shawn Rider
Sony Online Entertainment announced today that they would offer the new Sony Station Access program. For a single monthly subscription of $21.99 gamers can access several popular MMOs including Everquest, The Matrix Online, Star Wars Galaxies, and Planetside. In all, over 10 titles in five active online worlds are included in the Station Access membership, and some titles, such as Everquest II, have been upgraded to allow more character slots. The Station Access Collection will be sold at retail for $39.99 and will offer five games for PC and a free 30-day trial of the Station Access subscription. Read more here.
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RIP Review: From Russia With Guns
game: RIP
review | 01/23/06 | Shawn Rider
RIP is a fast-action twitch title that is also relatively easy to pick up and play. The simple action is augmented by some strategic upgrade and skill development elements, which gives it a unique feel. For folks who love a fast-paced shooter with hordes of enemies and a dose of thoughtful strategy, RIP warrants a demo download at the least. Get the lowdown on this independently developed import from Russia in Shawn\'s review.
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Dead or Alive 4 Review
game: Dead or Alive 4
review | 01/14/06 | Tristan Mayshark
Dead or Alive is one of the most contentious franchises around: Gamers and non-gamers alike tend to either hate it or love it. But don\'t let the viscous breasts and panty-flashes overcome the quality fighter that is DOA. The series makes its next-gen debut on the Xbox 360, and it\'s a mixed bag: The graphics aren\'t going to prompt anyone to upgrade to HDTV, but the fighting game is at its height. Longtime fans are rewarded with a blending of the best features from previous installments, solid online play, and plenty of things to do, unlock, and earn. Get the full review from Tristan right here.
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Comparing PGR3 Screens to Real-life Locations
game: Project Gotham Racing 3
news | 01/12/06 | Aaron Stanton
People talk about photo-realistic environments, but we rarely come close to seeing it. Well, at least from a distance, it\'s pretty clear that Project Gotham Racing 3 on the Xbox 360 comes very, very close. Evilgamerz.com has posted some photos comparing in-game locations to their real-life counterparts, and the result is very cool. We only wish we had thought of doing it first. While we\'re not savvy enough to know exactly where each one of these locations are (besides being in Japan), it\'s clear that PGR3 shows them off with near photo-realistic accuracy. Very impressive.
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FIFA 06: Road To The FIFA World Cup Review
game: FIFA 06: Road To The FIFA World Cup
review | 01/01/06 | Matt James
EA Sports\' FIFA franchise is often the only thing going in the US, and that\'s not necessarily a good thing. Matt James took a close look at FIFA 06: Road to FIFA World Cup, the Xbox 360 launch incarnation of the FIFA series, and found that it\'s probably not worth the upgrade. The visuals are real purty, but the rest of the game just isn\'t up to par. It\'s too tough for newbs to pick it up, and it lacks features and roster that the current-gen versions have. Get the full story here.
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Project Gotham Racing 3 Review
game: Project Gotham Racing 3
review | 12/05/05 | Chris Martin
PGR 3 is one of the most highly anticipated games to launch with Xbox 360. The Project Gotham series has become a staple of the gaming landscape: The hottest cars and the hottest graphics out there are found in this game. Our man Chris Martin has dreams of tearing up race courses all over the world, and PGR 3 fulfills those dreams. Check in for the complete review.
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What You Need To Know About HDTV
feature | 11/19/05 | Jeremy Kauffman
The Xbox 360 and PS3 will both use HD as the standard for all games on those systems. So, what do gamers need to know as they consider upgrading from the old antenae and tin foil combo to High Definition Television? Jeremy gives you the lowdown right here: From the basics of HDTV television and numbers to choosing an aspect ratio, display technology, and even what cords to use. Some call it in-depth. Others stand speechless in awe.
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PSP 2.0 Firmware Homebrew Loader Released
game: EBoot Loader v0.7
news | 10/26/05 | Shawn Rider
A developer known as Fanjita has released a version 2.0 homebrew loader for PSP, which brings Sony vs. The Hackers pretty much even again: Now, you can load your PSP up with the latest games (which are requiring you to have version 2.0 firmware) and you can play your homebrew games, applications and emulators. Plus, you get the new version 2.0 features including the much-appreciated web browser. But don\'t go jamming that X-Men Legends 2 UMD in your machine and update all willy-nilly. There\'s a method to upgrading your PSP.
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Why Nintendo Gets It, or Why Sony Should Start Trying
editorial | 09/17/05 | Shawn Rider
With the announcement of the Revolution controller, Nintendo has proven that, at least some of the time, they really \"get\" it. Get what? Gaming. In a next-gen lineup that has been, frankly, a total snooze-fest, the Revolution has finally shown us a sliver of light, which we think will broaden into a bright new direction for game design to explore. While Sony and Microsoft are content to release platform upgrades, it looks like Nintendo is the only one attempting to move gaming to a new generation.
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Jets'n'Guns Review
game: Jets'n'Guns
review | 09/14/05 | George Holomshek
Jets\'n\'Guns, from indy game developer Rake in Grass, is a sh\'mup fan\'s dream come true: A wacky story provides an excuse for you to pilot your tricked out, jet-powered instrument of destruction to horde after horde of enemy hardware. Featuring a scientifically verified \"buttload\" of upgrades and enhancements, Jets\'n\'Guns can keep you hooked on its uber-chaotic shooter gameplay for a surprisingly long time. Check it out.
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Bizarre Creations Releases PGR3 Technology Test with 35,000 Spectators
game: Project Gotham Racing 3
news | 09/13/05 | Aaron Stanton
Bizarre Creations\' Studio Updates has offered another interesting screenshot from Project Gotham Racing 3. The image shows the Xbox 360 running Project Gotham Racing 3 with a spectator crowd of 35,000 people at one time. Each spectator is individually created, making them far more than the simple cardboard cutouts that traditionally appear in this generation\'s racing titles. Apparently the system handled the task without slowing down in the slightest. The screen is from a technology test performed by one of the PGR3 team just to see how much the Xbox 360 could handle. Not bad. Of course, you won\'t be finding 35,000 spectators per track in the actual game, but it\'s nice to see what the system is capable of.
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