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Search for 'Philips Entertaible' returned 1 results.

Philips Entertaible Debuts at CES
game: Philips Entertaible
preview | 01/05/06 | Shawn Rider
Philips has a crazy idea: Put a 30\" touch sensitive LCD monitor into a sturdy wooden table, make some digital-smarty pawns and dice, and let game developers go crazy on a hybrid digital and real-world based console platform. But it\'s more than a crazy idea: It\'s the Entertaible, and it\'s being shown off at the Consumer Electronics Show 2006. The Entertaible is set to redefine board games and brings us multiplayer touch-oriented gaming. If touching is good by yourself, it must be even better in a group. Get the details on the Philips Entertaible in our preview.
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