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Search for 'Phoenix Online Studios' returned 1 results.

King's Quest IX is Saved By Gamer Loyalty
game: King's Quest IX (Now The Silver Lining)
news | 12/11/05 | Aaron Stanton
We here at GamesFirst want to congratulate everyone working on the King\'s Quest IV project, and a thumbs up to everyone that helped save it. On December 9th, 2005, Vivendi Universal, who owns the publishing rights to King\'s Quest, announced that they would allow King\'s Quest IV to be developed with a name change to, \"The Silver Lining.\" This came about after the gaming community pulled together and made enough noise to change Vivendi\'s mind, who had shut down the project with a cease and desist letter. Kudos to Vivendi, as well, for being a large company that\'s still willing to change its mind from time to time.
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