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Search for 'Rockstar' returned 25 results.

Saint's Row Review
game: Saint's Row
review | 09/16/06 | Sean Hilliard
Saint\'s Row is unmistakably influenced by Grand Theft Auto, but it manages to improve on the GTA formula in certain aspects. And why not? It took Rockstar almost a decade to get gamers into airplanes for crying out loud. And this is the 21st Century! Shouldn\'t we be able to save without retreating to a hideout? And for all of everyone\'s talk about the GTA games being open-ended, free-roaming adventures, they\'re actually incredibly linear narratives constrained by Hollywood cliches. Join the free-roaming revolution and read Sean\'s review.
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Internet Expert 'Bullies' Rockstar
game: Bully
news | 08/29/06 | Chris Martin
Jayne Hitchcock, president of Working to Halt Online Abuse an their Kids/Teen Division, has some words about Rockstar\'s upcoming game \"Bully\" for the Playstation 2. Her words are not terribly flattering. In order to allow readers to make their own, unbiased decision regarding video game criticism from outside parties, this press release has not been tampered with in any way.
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Bully Trailer Revealed
game: Bully
news | 08/11/06 | Chris Martin
While originally criticized by parental groups for having scenes of extreme violence even before those scenes were made (seriously people - did former Sen Joseph McCarthy teach us nothing?), Bully by Rockstar is turning out to be a very different game than once thought.
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Ping Pong Renaissance: Table Tennis Review
game: Rockstar Games Presents Table Tennis
review | 06/07/06 | Shawn Rider
Rockstar\'s latest title isn\'t a murder simulator or hardcore gangsta shooter. It\'s a pleasant game of Table Tennis, and it\'s really well-done. Rockstar Presents Table Tennis comes from their San Diego studio, well known for creating the Smuggler\'s Run and Midnight Club series. If Table Tennis sounds like a major change of speed, that\'s because it is. But when the results are so much fun, we\'re fine with switching gears. Get the full review here from Shawn.
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State of Emergency 2 Review
game: State of Emergency 2
review | 03/08/06 | Jeremy Kauffman
Back in the early day of the PS2, Rockstar followed up their blockbuster GTA3 with State of Emergency, a game widely rumored to be based on the WTO riots in Seattle that put you in the middle of giant marauding crowds bent on destroying the man. SOE featured an innovative game engine that allowed for previously unheard of numbers of characters on-screen as well as a locational damage/weapon engine that allowed you to rip off body parts and use them to beat down new victims. Now, SouthPeak Interactive and DC Studios have brought us the next chapter in the State of Emergency series: State of Emergency 2. Was it worth the wait? Check out Jeremy\'s review to find out.
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Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition
game: Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition
review | 08/27/05 | Gary Wong
The popular Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition makes its way to the PSP. Sony\'s little handheld has been starved for some high octane games, so DUB Edition has a lot riding on it. Does its engine stall at the starting line or does it finish at the top? Check Gary\'s review for the details.
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Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
game: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
review | 07/26/05 | Chris Martin
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas has really been getting headlines lately. We hear the Hot Coffee sequence is unlockable on the Xbox version, too, so you can adjust your personal scores accordingly, after you check out our review wherein we discuss everything else about San Andreas on Xbox.
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Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
game: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
review | 06/28/05 | Tristan Mayshark
This is a well done port of an excellent game. Despite some minor issues related to a slight lack of visual polish and a few technical quirks, GTA: San Andreas has survived the translation from Playstation very nicely.
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Midnight Club III: DUB Edition
game: Midnight Club III: DUB Edition
review | 05/11/05 | Chris Martin
The tuner scene isn't going away anytime soon. Neither, then, are tuner games. Rockstar San Diego breathes some new life into their Midnight Club series with DUB Edition. Read the review to find out why it deserves your hard earned money.
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Editorial: The Reality of Games: Do Games Lead to Violence?
Articles Archive | 03/13/05 | Gary Wong
Gamers praise developers for the increasing visual authenticity found in video games. What happens when troubled individuals find too much authenticity in the games they play and take it to an extreme? How much responsibility should the gaming industry shoulder? Should it even be held to any amount of culpability?
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GTA: San Andreas Contest Winner Announced
Articles Archive | 12/02/04 | Shawn Rider
People really win here at GF! Case in point: Catherine Cole will be, in a matter of hours, whiling away her time rounding up her homies in Los Santos and putting the smackdown on suckas from the beach to the mountains. And no whining because you didn't win. Enter our Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines contest for some PC lovin'.
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Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
game: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
review | 11/11/04 | Eric Qualls
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas lives up to the hype. Evolution, not revolution, is the key word here, but the enhancements made to San Andreas are still more than enough to make this the best GTA game yet.
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game: Manhunt
review | 06/16/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
You might remember Manhunt from the splash it made on the PS2 not so long ago. Now it's taking its haunting atmosphere and uber violence to the Xbox and PC. We're pretty sure that Manhunt's ESRB rating of "Mature" really ought to have been "Adults Only", but adult gamers not feeling gore shy can look to Manhunt for a genuinely disturbing experience. Click here for the full review.
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Max Payne
game: Max Payne
review | 04/21/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
GBA players have reason to smile: Max Payne is that rare sort of GBA game that manages to deliver the fun, style, and feel of its console counterpart. The action is there, the bullet time is there”somehow even 20+ minutes of narration is there. It's all quite an accomplishment on a handheld. Click here for the full review.
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Max Payne II: The Fall of Max Payne
game: Max Payne II: The Fall of Max Payne
review | 12/07/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Console gamers had to exercise a little patience when PC gamers were the first to get their hands on Max Payne 2, but the wait is over. Max is back, and this time he has company to liven things up a bit. Max is wasting bad guys and dodging bullets better than ever via the bullet time ballet, but the high point here is the superbly crafted narrative. Gamesfirst! editor Shawn Rider delves the depths of Max Payne 2, and the story begins right here.
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