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Search for 'SEGA Driving Studio' returned 2 results.

SEGA Rally Revo Demo On Xbox Live
game: Sega Rally Revo
news | 09/17/07 | Chris Martin
So, in case you missed it, I\'m pretty stoked about SEGA Rally Revo for Xbox 360. Some early reviews are in: IGN UK gave it 8.8/10 and EuroGamer gave it a 9/10. Knowing this makes me ache for it more. If you\'re thinking about picking up SEGA Rally Revo, it\'s officially out today (09/17/07) in the UK--those in the US will have to wait until October 9th. And if you just want to check it out first, the Demo has just hit Xbox Live. At over half a gig, it\'s one of the smaller demos out there, but we\'ll let the gameplay speak for itself.
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Hands-On with Sega Rally Revo (Plus Brand New Super Car Pics)
game: Sega Rally Revo
preview | 09/10/07 | Chris Martin
This year we got to play tons of games at PAX 07, and of them, SEGA Rally Revo, the next iteration of the SEGA Rally franchise, was on display. The series has seen quite a few versions on the now defunct N-Gage and Dreamcast, as well as one on PlayStation 2, PC, and wireless. Simply, the series has \"been around the track\" if you know what I mean. Now, we bring you our impressions of SEGA\'s next evolution of the franchise on Xbox 360 and PS3: SEGA Rally Revo. All this and screenshots of the just-announced Super Cars inside!
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