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Search for 'Shinobi' returned 2 results.

Sega Sends Collection to PS2, PSP
news | 08/10/06 | Chris Martin
The Sega Genesis Collection, featuring 30 games from the Genesis heyday are coming to PlayStation 2 and Playstation Portable. It\'s one of the most impressive compilations out there, and it\'s coming this fall. We\'ve got a list of the games coming right here.
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Shinobi Preview
game: Shinobi
preview | 06/23/02 | Jeremy Kauffman
He kills silently and bounces off walls like loonies in the nuthouse. Nope, it\'s not Tiny Twisted Metal Bumper Cars or Tenchu Stealth Maniacs -- this is even better. Shinobi returns for another slash at the videogame market, and thank goodness. Anyone who has touched the beauty of the classic arcade game knows that a new Shinobi adventure is a very, very good thing. Click here.
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