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Search for 'Silent Line: Armored Core' returned 3 results.

Silent Line: Armored Core
game: Silent Line: Armored Core
review | 10/01/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Agetec delivers its latest installment to the Armored Core series, Silent Line, much to the delight of the die-hard Armored Core fans. But despite notable improvements, to most of us Armored Core: Silent Line is just another Armored Core title we didn't play. Click here to find out why.
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Silent Line: Armored Core Review
game: Silent Line: Armored Core
review | 09/13/03 | Eric Qualls
Agetec delivers its latest installment to the Armored Core series, Silent Line, much to the delight of the die-hard Armored Core fans. But despite notable improvements, to most of us Armored Core: Silent Line is just another Armored Core title we didn\'t play. Click here to find out why.
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Silent Line: Armored Core Review
game: Silent Line: Armored Core Review
review | 09/13/03 | Eric Qualls
Agetec delivers its latest installment to the Armored Core series, Silent Line, much to the delight of the die-hard Armored Core fans. But despite notable improvements, to most of us Armored Core: Silent Line is just another Armored Core title we didn\'t play. Click here to find out why.
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