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Search for 'Stormfront Studios' returned 2 results.

Eragon Review
game: Eragon
review | 01/15/07 | Jason Perkins
The story behind the first Eragon book, movie, and video game is an interesting one, starting with a home-schooled student that published his book at 19 years old. Now, with a movie that is being universally trashed by reviewers, the Eragon video game has come forward to redeem the franchise from embarrassment. Sadly, its repetitive gameplay and incoherent storytelling don\'t do Eragon much justice, portraying the world as nothing but an endless stream of bad guys with frustrating gameplay. The movie and book have been accused of being derivative of classics like Star Wars; the video game doesn\'t present a coherent enough story to be accused of being derivative of anything.
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LOTR: The Two Towers Preview (PS2, GBA)
game: LOTR: The Two Towers
preview | 06/11/02 | Monica Hafer
The Lord of the Rings franchise has been fractured -- games are coming out from both Sierra and EA. EA has the movie license, and that will make all the difference. So far The Two Towers looks amazing, what with the hordes of orcs to cut down and the incredible interplay of film footage and game graphics. Click here to be amazed.
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