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Search for 'The Darkness' returned 4 results.

New The Darkness Demo On XBL - Mutilation Video
game: The Darkness
preview | 03/17/07 | Chris Martin
The Darkness is shaping up to be a must have game for not only fans of the Top Cow comic, but for fans of first person shooters. Blending supernatural elements and gunplay, The Darkness puts you in the shoes of Jackie Estacado, our resident anti-hero, as he seeks revenge on his father\'s murderer. The newest video is a montage of some new and old footage, and shows off the darkling powers and what makes them a force to be reckoned with.
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The Darkness Spreads To Comic-Con 2006
game: The Darkness
preview | 07/28/06 | Monica Hafer
For all of you comic book fans, a dark tale of sex and violence awaits in the form of the game, The Darkness. Based on the story of the anti-hero Jackie Estacado, this game is an FPS you won\'t want to miss that\'s slated for release in 2007 on the XBox 360 and PS3. Our correspondent Monica Hafer has met with the developers at Starbreeze and learned of the progress of this anticipated title.

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Brand New Darkness Screens Make Light of Game's Progress
game: The Darkness
news | 07/21/06 | Chris Martin
THe Darkness, adapted from the cult comic book from TopCow, was all but nonexistent from E3 2006 excepting, maybe, a trailer we\'d seen before. But never fear Darkness fans, because progress is being made and we\'ve got the screens to prove it. Inside are three high-rez pics straight from 2K Games.
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Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade
game: Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade
review | 04/13/05 | Shawn Rider
Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade is a hack-and-slash dungeon crawling RPG that brings classic Diablo-style gameplay to your PSP. It's got great graphics, a deep character development system, and is pretty much a hoot to play with friends. But like so many RPG protagonists, it is as flawed as it is brilliant. Curse the darkness, or get the light right here.
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