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Search for 'The Movies: Stunts and Effects' returned 1 results.

The Movies: Stunts and Effects Review
game: The Movies: Stunts and Effects
review | 07/07/06 | Jason Perkins
Lionhead Studios addressed the lack of special effects in last year\'s The Movies by releasing an expansion pack, The Movies: Stunts and Effects. Installing the new expansion changes very little in the simulation until you\'ve played through the 1960s, but opens up a wide range of options for the machinima community. Budding directors can now control a freely movable camera and place stuntmen into precariously dangerous situations. Stunts and Effects is aimed at gamers who are already invested in The Movies and want to make it better; for everyone else it\'s just a worthy addition that adds yet another group of needy staffers for the player to manage. Check out the full review.
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