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Search for 'Ubicom' returned 3 results.

GamesFirst! Weekly Wrap-Up #18
podcast | 02/11/06 | Val Townsend
Val brings us another episode of the GamesFirst! Weekly Wrap-Up, packed full of all the best stuff going on in the gaming world. This week, we take a look at two books out now about hacking the PSP: One is great, and the other is not. We also test the Altec Lansing AHS302i headphones, which are well-priced even if not so well-fitting. Finally, we get to the games with a review of Legion Arena for the PC and a preview of the Final Fantasy XI Beta for Xbox 360. Download the latest episode of the GF! Weekly Wrap-Up right here.
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Ubicom Launches Free Network Testing Tool
news | 02/01/06 | George Holomshek
Ubicom, who made the Stream Engine chip that is used to shape your broadband traffic in the D-Link DGL4300 Gamer Lounge router, has now released a free utility to check your online playability. The OPScore utility is a quick way to get a more robust fix on your online connection speed than most bandwidth testers, but it still runs in-browser (even if that browser is IE because of the ActiveX requirements, which is whack). George has a more complete summary of what OPScore offers, plus links to the free software.
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Ubicom StreamEngine
game: Ubicom StreamEngine
preview | 05/11/05 | Shawn Rider
Ubicom's StreamEngine is a standalone device for network traffic shaping. That means, it's a little box you can plugin to your network so your Bit Torrent Downloads don't interfere with your online gaming. We were lucky to get a little time with an early demo unit, and so far it's looking good. Check it out in this preview.
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