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Search for 'collectible' returned 3 results.

Atari 2600 Cart You Never Heard of Sells for $1,825
game: Pepsi Invaders
news | 10/25/05 | Aaron Stanton
Pepsi Invaders (aka Coke Wins) is an ultra-rare Atari 2600 cartridge that was given to Coca-Cola employees in the early 1980s. Only 125 copies of the game were ever produced, without labels or boxes. Needless to say, this game scores a full 10 on the AtariAge.com rareness meter. A copy of the game surfaced and was recently sold on eBay for $1,825. That\'s a spendy Space Invaders clone.
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Mega Man Battle Chip Challange
game: Mega Man Battle Chip Challange
review | 05/01/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
With the popularity of collectible card games now days, is it hard to believe that the little man in blue might want in on the action? Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge heads full on into the genre, but is this new release worth your time? Don't hesitate to find out here.
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Lost Kingdoms Review (GC)
game: Lost Kingdoms
review | 07/26/02 | Matt Baldwin
The Gamecube has been devoid of RPGs, and that makes many gamers sad. Fortunately, Activision has stepped in with Lost Kingdoms, a strange little RPG that uses a collectible card game battle system. Sound strange? It is. But it\'s kind of fun, too. Click here for more.
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