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Search for 'cute' returned 17 results.

Ice Age 2: The Meltdown
game: Ice Age 2: The Meltdown
review | 04/03/06 | Laurie Taylor
Ice Age 2: The Meltdown is the movie tie-in for the major motion picture of the same name. It\'s got cuteness and some personality, but in general it fails in pretty much all the ways that counts: It\'s probably too short, too simple and too repetitive for all but the youngest of children. Read a full consideration of Ice Age 2: The Meltdown in Laurie\'s review.
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DS Lite Unveiled
game: Nintendo DS
news | 01/29/06 | George Holomshek
Nintendo has a history of redesigning and refining technology every couple of years. So it was just a matter of time before big N decided to redesign the Nintendo DS (and don\'t be surprised to see another redesign in two years, but that\'s just our prediction). After a bit of he-said/she-said melodrama, Nintendo has released concrete details about the new Nintendo DS Lite, which is exactly like a Nintendo DS except smaller and cuter. George has nailed down the details here, including the nasty rumors that the smaller size has come at a sacrifice to GBA compatability. Get the full story here.
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GF! Weekly Wrap-Up #16
podcast | 01/13/06 | Val Townsend
This week in the Wrap-Up, Val Townsend, the Atomic Goddess, takes gamers on an audio adventure through the recent history of video gaming. In addition to a summary of recent news, Val has reviews of Kameo: Elements of Power (XB360), Cuban Missile Crisis: The Aftermath (PC), and those cute little GelTabz (multi). Rounding out this week\'s podcast is a preview of Square/Enix\'s Code Age Project, which spans games on mobile phones, PS2, and a comic book series. Serve yourself up a heaping helping of steaming hot podcast goodness, right here.
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Creatures Exodus and Creatures Village Review
game: Creatures Exodus and Creatures Village
review | 12/07/05 | Shawn Rider
Kutoka is well-known for making unique and quality children\'s games. Their Creatures series has been a popular little toy in Europe and Canada where it\'s Francophone version wooed tykes with cute little fuzzy beings. So is Creatures the Tamagotchi of the 21st Century? Shawn\'s got the review here, to help ease the decision for nervous parents.
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Happy Tree Friends: Winter Break Review
game: Happy Tree Friends: Winter Break
review | 10/19/05 | George Holomshek
When I was in high school, all the cool girls had this saying: \"That\'s so cute I just want to throw it against a wall.\" You could modify what you wanted to do to the cute thing: eat it, squish it, set it on fire. The idea was that cuteness inspires violent feelings, and it made us giggle with glee. Such is the premise of Happy Tree Friends: Cute and violent. Really violent. Like, Jack Thompson going to town in GTA violent--it kind of gets creepy sometimes. Check out George\'s review here.
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Playlogic Announces Stealth Devil-Spy Action
game: Diabolique: License to Sin
news | 09/27/05 | Shawn Rider
Playlogic and Metropolis Software have announced Diabolique: License to Sin. Diabolique puts you in charge of Dark Eaville, a super spy with all of the Double-Oh-So-Smoothness of James Bond and all the evil demon-ness of Hellboy. (But he\'s cute like Sean Connery, too.) This is stealth-action mixed with some dark horror: Imagine Sam Fisher meets Blood Rayne. Or MGS meets Soul Reaver. Published by Dutch publisher Playlogic, and developed by Polish design house Metropolis Software, Diabolique: License to Sin looks on first glance like a title US gamers should keep an eye on for import. Get some screens right here.
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Virtual Game Tringo Makes the Leap to Reality
game: Tringo
news | 09/20/05 | Shawn Rider
Tringo is a combination of Tetris and Bingo. Yeah, that\'s weird enough. But the story of its creation is even more unusual: Kermitt Quirk, a player in Second Life, created Tringo in-game and sells it to other Second Lifers. Now Crave has picked it up to sell it to real-life gamers for GBA. This could be the perfect accompaniment to that cute new GB Micro. Read the official press relesae from Crave here.
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Nintendogs: Chihuahua & Friends
game: Nintendogs: Chihuahua & Friends
review | 08/31/05 | George Holomshek
Nintendogs is a sensation that is literally sweeping the world. It started in Japan ? where it drove sales of the Nintendo DS through the roof ? and has now landed in the United States, where it looks like it might do the same. The furry balls of fluff are cute and amazingly intelligent, and you\'ll find yourself talking to them in that high-pitched squeaky dog voice we all get from time to time. If your friends and neighbors have not succumbed to the game themselves, talking to your DS will get you weird looks, but you won\'t care; you\'ll be having too much fun. Check out our full review.
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Second Sight
game: Second Sight
review | 02/23/05 | Chris Martin
It seems like a fundamental rule of thumb in video games: coma = amnesia and psychic powers. Few games execute the mystery and atmosphere of such creepy going-ons, though, as well as Free Radical's budget title Second Sight. It's atmospheric and story driven, and worth your money if you're looking for a game that will keep your interest. Read the full review to find out the details.
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Half-Life 2
game: Half-Life 2
review | 12/29/04 | Chris Martin
It's been five years since the original Half-life wowed the world with its brilliantly executed in-game scripting and storytelling; quite a wait for those of us holding our breaths for a full-blown sequel. Now we have it, possibly one of the most beautiful games ever, and with a crowbar that can actually break open barrels this time around. Can it possibly be as good as the original? Find out.
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Magic Pengel Review
game: Magic Pengel
review | 10/01/03 | Monica Hafer
So you feel like picking up a fighting game, but you also feel like drawing.What should you choose? What ever will you do? You\'re in luck because now you don\'t have to choose. Enter Agetec\'s Magic Pengel, where you draw your own character and send it off to arena combat. It\'s a fun idea and a cute game, but is it deep enough to satisfy? Click here to ask Monica.
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Magic Pengel Review
game: Magic Pengel Review
review | 10/01/03 | Monica Hafer
So you feel like picking up a fighting game, but you also feel like drawing.What should you choose? What ever will you do? You\'re in luck because now you don\'t have to choose. Enter Agetec\'s Magic Pengel, where you draw your own character and send it off to arena combat. It\'s a fun idea and a cute game, but is it deep enough to satisfy? Click here to ask Monica.
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Magic Pengel
game: Magic Pengel
review | 10/01/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
So you feel like picking up a fighting game, but you also feel like drawing.What should you choose? What ever will you do? You're in luck because now you don't have to choose. Enter Agetec's Magic Pengel, where you draw your own character and send it off to arena combat. It's a fun idea and a cute game, but is it deep enough to satisfy? Click here to ask Monica.
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Evil Dead: Fistfull of Boomstick
game: Evil Dead: Fistfull of Boomstick
review | 08/12/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
The last Evil Dead game was truly horrific, although not in the ways it should have been. Fortunately, Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick does a much better job, but it's still far from perfect. When will Deadites and non-Deadites get a game that is equally enjoyable, no matter how much you love Bruce Campbell and his cute little dimples? Click here for more.
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Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick Review
game: Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick
review | 08/10/03 | Jeremy Kauffman
The last Evil Dead game was truly horrific, although not in the ways it should have been. Fortunately, Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick does a much better job, but it\'s still far from perfect. When will Deadites and non-Deadites get a game that is equally enjoyable, no matter how much you love Bruce Campbell and his cute little dimples?
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