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Search for 'grip' returned 6 results.

E3 Exclusive: Hands on with Best of Show 06: Gears of War
game: Gears of War
preview | 05/15/06 | Chris Martin
Microsoft\'s 500 lbs gorilla this Fall is Gears of War. Not only did Gears manage to rip the GamesFirst! Best of Show trophy right out of our +5 Controller Grip, but it managed to prove to some jaded fellows that it is more than just another shooter. Featuring a focus on team-based strategic play, elements of quick-reflex skills, and some of the best audio and visuals we\'ve ever seen, Gears of War is the one game every Xbox 360 owner will buy this Fall.
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GelTabz Review
game: GelTabz
review | 01/02/06 | Shawn Rider
GelTabz are an unlikely must-have enhancement. They are so incredibly simple they\'ll have you wondering why more game controllers don\'t make use of their innovative design. But they are so effective that once you give them a shot, you won\'t want to play without them. As natural a fit as a baseball glove and a baseball bat, GelTabz are definitely worth a closer look. Get the full review here.
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Xbox 360 Screens of GUN
game: GUN
news | 10/06/05 | Shawn Rider
I don\'t even like westerns, but I love Deadwood. The grimy, gritty Old West environment, teetering between nature and civilization, lends itself to some gripping drama and high adventure. Plus, there\'s plenty of cursing. So I get very interested when I hear that Neversoft, one of my fave game developers, has also been watching Deadwood, and has created an entire game based in the Wild West, with the goal of expanding the open-play scenerio beyond cops and robbers. GUN will come out this Fall for Xbox, PS2 and Xbox 360. We\'ve got some XB360 screen here and a bit more about the game.
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Galerians: Ash Review (PS2)
game: Galerians: Ash
review | 02/16/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Sammy Studios brings us the sequel to their psycho future thriller, Galerians. Galerians: Ash drops you right into the aftermath of the first story with nary a hint at how to get going, so this is definitely one for the fans. A gripping storyline might draw you along in spite of lackluster gameplay. Definitely check the review. Click here.
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Galerians: Ash Review
game: Galerians: Ash
review | 02/16/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Sammy Studios brings us the sequel to their psycho future thriller, Galerians. Galerians: Ash drops you right into the aftermath of the first story with nary a hint at how to get going, so this is definitely one for the fans. A gripping storyline might draw you along in spite of lackluster gameplay. Definitely check the review. Click here.
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Nyko AirFlo Controllers Preview (Xbox, PS2, GC)
preview | 06/08/02 | Shawn Rider
Nyko brings us a novel solution to an age-old problem: Sweaty Palms. The AirFlo controllers, due out this summer and fall for all console systems, feature fans and special rubber grips to cool your hands as you play. It\'s refreshing. Click here.
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