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Search for 'guns' returned 14 results.

Bullet Witch Review
game: Bullet Witch
review | 03/16/07 | Chris Martin
With its anime influenced style, guns-blazing action, and destroy anything physics, what could go wrong? Bullet Witch is an example of a game that could have benefitted from a few more months in development. Though not without its surprises, Bullet Witch concedes to the same gameplay mechanics we\'ve been comfortable with for years. While it doesn\'t do anything really new with gameplay, it might be worth the rental if you\'re bored with everything else.
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Trimersion: The Next Phase in VR HMDs
feature | 05/18/06 | Monica Hafer
Head-mounted displays (HMDs) are controversial devices: On the one hand, they fill your complete field of vision with generated graphics, creating an absolutely immersive experience. On the other hand, you cannot turn away from an HMD, and many folks feel claustrophobic or motion-sick using the devices. On the third hand, hired models in shiny silver outfits with laser guns and futuristic virtual reality helmets are so cool-looking that we just have to stop and check them out. Monica checks in on the development of the Trimersion HMD system, compatible with game consoles and PCs. Get the full details here.
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Astro Boy: Two Legends Converge
game: Astro Boy
review | 02/25/06 | RJ Brooks
Astro Boy has been praised by reviewers since its release in 2003. Another gem from Treasure, Astro Boy proves there is still some enjoyment to find in the 2D action gaming arena. A shooter/platformer in the vein of Gunstar Heroes, Astro Boy brings Osamu Tezuka\'s world reknowned character to life on the Game Boy Advance. We rarely get Astro Boy releases in the US, which is another testament to just how good this game is. Check out the conclusion to Robert\'s six-part retrospective here. Fittingly, Robert looks at how the legendary Treasure and the legendary Tezuka combine to create a GBA title that should be in every gamer\'s library.
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Gunstar Super Heroes Review
game: Gunstar Super Heroes
review | 02/21/06 | RJ Brooks
The long-awaited sequel to Treasure\'s Gunstar Heroes, Gunstar Super Heroes brings the same high action gameplay to the Game Boy Advance. Released last October, Gunstar Super Heroes offers up the same quality graphics and colorful animation, but the gameplay has undergone some tweaks and changes that might leave the most hardcore of classic Gunstar Heroes fans wanting more. In the third part of his Treasure retrospective, Robert takes a look at one of the latest developments from the legendary game design house. Read all about it here.
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Treasure's Gems: A History of Action Gaming
feature | 02/20/06 | RJ Brooks
They are one of the often unsung heroes of the game development industry. But the consistently high quality of titles has proven numerous times why Treasure is one of the best game development houses in existence. With such fan classics as Gunstar Heroes and Astro Boy in their library, Treasure\'s games have created a rabid fanbase of twitch gamers and import junkies. Our man, Robert Brooks, has a retrospective of Treasure\'s games along with five classic retro reviews, each going live over the next week. Check it out here.
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Gunstar Heroes Review
game: Gunstar Heroes
review | 02/20/06 | RJ Brooks
Gunstar Heroes for the Sega Genesis is one of the most amazing action-platformer titles of the 16-bit era. Released in 1993 with minimum promotion, the game never took off in terms of sales like it deserved. Instead, it has attained a level of cult status very few games receive, but developers always hope will occur for their projects. Part two in our six-part Treasure retrospective, this retro review of Gunstar Heroes should make clear why gamers still return to its action-packed gameplay.
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Wild ARMs 4 Review
game: Wild ARMs 4
review | 02/05/06 | Amanda Bateman
XSEED\'s debut title Wild ARMs 4, the American localization of Wild ARMs: The 4th Detonator, is finally here, sporting flashy art, a new battle system, and its share of extras and secrets. But is it worth your gella to go out and grab it? Very likely. Featuring some improvements over some of the series\' historical rough spots, Wild ARMs 4 is some of the best gaming the franchise has to offer. Check out Amanda\'s review, right here.
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RIP Review: From Russia With Guns
game: RIP
review | 01/23/06 | Shawn Rider
RIP is a fast-action twitch title that is also relatively easy to pick up and play. The simple action is augmented by some strategic upgrade and skill development elements, which gives it a unique feel. For folks who love a fast-paced shooter with hordes of enemies and a dose of thoughtful strategy, RIP warrants a demo download at the least. Get the lowdown on this independently developed import from Russia in Shawn\'s review.
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Wild ARMs Alter Code: F Review
game: Wild ARMs Alter Code: F
review | 11/29/05 | Amanda Bateman
Fight the metal demons, commune with Guardians, discover secret treasure, and restore Filgaia to it\'s original splendor! What, you\'ve already done that, you say? Well, how about another round? Wild ARMs has been cleaned up, reworked, and enhanced from scratch to create Agetec\'s latest RPG, Wild ARMs Alter Code: F. It\'s a big improvement, but is it enough to grab your interest? Amanda has the verdict right here.
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GF! Weekly Wrap-Up
podcast | 09/24/05 | Val Townsend
Val\'s back with another awesome GF! Weekly Wrap-Up. This week we take a look at Jets \'n Guns, Fable: The Lost Chapters, and Metal Slug 4/5. We also have a preview of the oh-so-dreamy Alan Wake, and of course a summary of the week\'s biggest news stories. Give the controller a wee break and check this out.
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Jets'n'Guns Review
game: Jets'n'Guns
review | 09/14/05 | George Holomshek
Jets\'n\'Guns, from indy game developer Rake in Grass, is a sh\'mup fan\'s dream come true: A wacky story provides an excuse for you to pilot your tricked out, jet-powered instrument of destruction to horde after horde of enemy hardware. Featuring a scientifically verified \"buttload\" of upgrades and enhancements, Jets\'n\'Guns can keep you hooked on its uber-chaotic shooter gameplay for a surprisingly long time. Check it out.
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How to Become a Master Cheater in 5 Simple Steps
Articles Archive | 07/29/05 | Chris Martin
Game strategies are good; learning all the button combinations will certainly put you ahead in most games. Sometimes, though, you die no matter how carefully you follow a strategy guide's advice, and then it's time for some bigger guns. When practice lets you down, don't be afraid to pick up a cheat or two and float past that tough boss with ease. Here's a few tips to help you get off the ground.
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P.O.W. Preview (Xbox, PC)
game: P.O.W.
preview | 06/06/02 | Aaron Stanton
It\'s World War II, and here you are stuck in a P.O.W. camp. No guns, no killing, none of that traditional war game crap. Codemaster\'s latest endeavor, P.O.W., puts you in the role of an American prisoner trying to escape a German camp. The emphasis is on strategy, stealth, and planning the great escape. Click here for more.
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Nintendo Announces Gamecube and Gameboy Advance
Articles Archive | 08/27/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Just when we were ready to count Nintendo out of the running they jump back into the arena with guns blazing. At Spaceworld in Japan this past week Nintendo unveiled the GameCube, their latest bid for the home console market. The colorful cubes look like the next generation in gaming, at least from the outside. The GameCube's most striking feature wasn't the neon colors or its shape, but the controller. It appears to be an odd mix of the N64 controller and Sony's Dual Shock controller with a completely new approach to buttons.
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