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Search for 'homebrew' returned 11 results.

Xbox 360 Sees Its First Unofficial NES Emulator
news | 01/29/07 | Aaron Stanton
Microsoft\'s courtship of the homebrew game developer has led to the Xbox 360 running its first unofficial NES emulator. While not useful to the general public, a programmer by the name of Lone Coder used Microsoft\'s XNA Game Studio Express to convert an existing emulator - SharpNES - to run on XNA environments. That includes both PCs running Windows Vista and the Xbox 360. The development introduces the Xbox 360 to its first taste of unapproved retro-gaming, and while limitations built into Game Studio Express prevent a usable release on the 360, it\'s nice to see Microsoft take steps to embrace the homebrew community instead of alienating them.
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How Homebrew Development is Holding Up, System By System
news | 06/12/06 | Aaron Stanton
Systems like the original Xbox and Sony\'s PSP are praiseworthy on their own, but they can be made even better through the creative application of homebrew software. Enthusiast developed software has helped shape the console industry since the days of the Sega Saturn and the original PlayStation. This posting on the DCEmu forums takes a brief, but informed look at the state of homebrew development on today\'s and yesterday\'s systems. Included in the list are common consoles, like the Xbox, as well as older systems, like the DreamCast. It\'s an interesting read if you\'ve dabbled on the fringe of the community and are curious to hear an overview of how things stand.
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Hacking the PSP Review
game: Hacking the PSP
review | 01/28/06 | Shawn Rider
The PSP hacking and homebrew communities are lively places, and there are weekly advances in the effort to add features and content to our PSPs. Sometimes these advances come even too rapidly for us to keep up with, and we can\'t imagine tackling a book about PSP hacking: How could you write something that won\'t be totally outdated a few months after its release? The answer is still not clear to us, but we\'ve finally found a PSP book worth reading. Auri Rahimzadeh\'s Hacking the PSP is the best PSP hacking and modification book we\'ve seen so far. If you\'re the pulp-and-ink kind of tinkerer, skip the others and head directly for this one. Shawn has the full review here.
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PSP Hacks, Mods and Expansions Review
game: PSP Hacks, Mods and Expansions
review | 01/28/06 | Shawn Rider
The PSP hacking scene is difficult to keep a handle on, even as a web-based magazine, where we can publish articles regularly covering the latest development. In the past month several new tools and utilities have come out that any PSP enthusiast has already read about on any one of a number of good PSP hacking, mod and homebrew websites. So when GF! received two new books about hacking the PSP, we were skeptical that they could possibly be as good as a quality website, but hoped they could at least be more detailed, better organized, and feature more helpful illustrations for some of the basics of PSP hacking. We first looked at Dave Prochnow\'s PSP Hacks, Mods and Expansions. Boasting on the book\'s cover includes both a \"Money Saving Coupons\" emblem and a laundry list of tips that begins with \"The Top 10 UMD Movies\" and \"Which Are the Top 10 Games Worth Buying?\" We embarked with a happy outlook: Heck, we didn\'t even realize there were 10 games worth buying on the PSP... Check out Shawn\'s review here.
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The PSP Homebrew Battle: A Report From the Front
game: PSP
feature | 01/17/06 | Shawn Rider
The PSP homebrew community continues to crank out cool stuff. The latest major coup is an exploit using the save game system in Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories that allows users with firmware over 2.0 and 2.5 to run homebrew applications and games. So far only a few games are working, but we felt like it is a good time to take a look back at some key developments in the world of PSP homebrew. Get the full story here.
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PSP 2.0 Firmware Homebrew Loader Released
game: EBoot Loader v0.7
news | 10/26/05 | Shawn Rider
A developer known as Fanjita has released a version 2.0 homebrew loader for PSP, which brings Sony vs. The Hackers pretty much even again: Now, you can load your PSP up with the latest games (which are requiring you to have version 2.0 firmware) and you can play your homebrew games, applications and emulators. Plus, you get the new version 2.0 features including the much-appreciated web browser. But don\'t go jamming that X-Men Legends 2 UMD in your machine and update all willy-nilly. There\'s a method to upgrading your PSP.
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Maker of DS Trojan Apologizes
game: Nintendo DS
news | 10/17/05 | Aaron Stanton
The creator of Trojan.DSBrick.A and B, Trojans that disable the Nintendo DS when installed, has issued a public apology. The Brick Trojan seeks out and deletes key system files from Nintendo\'s handheld, rendering it near worthless, or Bricked. Average DS owners have nothing to fear, since the Trojan can\'t spread without the active involvement of the user, but fellow members of the homebrew community have been in an uproar over the issue. DarkFader posted a public apology, along with instructions on how to repair a DS destroyed by the Trojan (to the best of our ability) on his website.
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GP2X Community Finds a Home on MyGP2X.com
news | 10/15/05 | Shawn Rider
The GP2X is releasing this Fall in the US and worldwide, and already a homebrew community is budding. Richard Weeks sends word that he has created a community website for GP2X enthusiasts called MyGP2X.com. The site features news and coverage of developments in the GP2X community. Recent posts cover the port of the GP32 Commodore 64 emulator, Frodo, to GP2X as well as the GP2X port of Duke Nukem 3D. If you\'re curious about the GP2X and not sure where to start, we recommend MyGP2X.com as a growing node. With recently launched forums, the site is bound to become a hub for GP2X news. Check out http://www.MyGP2X.com for more about the GP2X.
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Nintendo DS Trojan: Nintendophiles Get Bricks Too
news | 10/11/05 | Shawn Rider
In a shocking turn of events (and just plain weird event in general), news comes to us through several sources of a Nintendo DS Trojan. The malicious program is known as either \"hentai loader\", \"r0mloader.zip\", or \"taihen.zip\", and is designed to \'brick\' your Nintendo DS. The program promises to load either pirated game roms or hentai (a Japanese term for pornographic comics and cartoons) on your DS when loaded using a flash rom device, which makes it possible to run homebrew applications and games on the Nintendo DS.
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PSP Firmware Downgrader Released
news | 09/28/05 | Shawn Rider
Surely much to Sony\'s chagrin, those clever hackers have done it again. SonyXTeam has released a Firmware Downgrader for the PSP that will downgrade version 2.0 firmware to 1.50, which enables gamers who have recently bought the system to downgrade their firmware and use homebrew PSP utilities and play homebrew PSP games. This allows new PSP owners to join the rest of us playing Game Boy Advance games while we wait for something decent to come out. It sure beats watching movies on the thing!
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Modding Community Gets Head Start on Xbox 360
news | 08/31/05 | Aaron Stanton
Probably the people most passionate about whether or not the Xbox 360 has a hard drive are system modders, who can possibly use the hard drive for everything from stealing games (bad) to running homebrew software (goodish). Now, the makers of the SmartXX mod chip for the Xbox have gotten hold of a number of Xbox 360 development kits. They\'ve opened the system and photographed the insides, which is a pretty good indication that the modding community is already at work on modding the next generation game consoles.
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