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Search for 'legal' returned 17 results.

Why Gamers Have No Eyes
editorial | 10/24/06 | Aaron Stanton
The National Summit on Video Games, Youth and Public Policy took place this weekend. Researchers from around the country attended to discuss everything from violent media to the legality of government regulation of game ratings. It was sponsored by one of the game industry\'s most politically powerful critics, the National Institute on Media and the Family, which has consistently given the game industry poor marks when it comes to video games and violence. But did anyone from the game media bother to show up? Nope. Aaron Stanton was the lone game journalist at an event that could have real impact on game legislation, and the lack of attention pissed him off. You should read more about it here.
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First Bootable Xbox 360 ISO Appears Online
game: Xbox 360
news | 12/30/05 | Tristan Mayshark
An Xbox 360 demo disc intended for kiosk 360\'s in Europe appears to lack the normal protection of other 360 games, and has been pirated on the Internet. A group known as \"PI\" have released statements about their progress hacking the Xbox 360\'s software protection, including releasing an ISO disc image of the demo disc, which contains demos found in Xbox 360 kiosks.
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Judge Blocks California Anti-Violent Videogame Law
news | 12/28/05 | Shawn Rider
We reported back in October about an anti-violent videogame law passed by California legislators and signed by Governor Schwarzenegger, who has starred in enough violent videogames to know something about the matter. The legislation immediately sparked a lawsuit from the Entertainment Software Association, which argues that the law is both unnecessary and impedes the First Ammendment rights of minors. Yesterday a US District Judge Ronald Whyte issued an injunction against the law, citing the likelihood of the ESA winning its case to reverse the legislation, as reported by the San Francisco Chronicle.
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GamesFirst! Weekly Wrap-Up: Lucky Number 13
podcast | 12/16/05 | Val Townsend
Val Townsend, the Atomic Goddess, is back again with lucky podcast number 13. This week, we take a look at the latest news, including speculation on Nintendo\'s recently hinted \"secret\" regarding the upcoming Revolution console, as well as Clinton and Lieberman\'s Family Entertainment Protection Act. We also have reviews of Perfect Dark Zero and King Kong. Finally, we take a look at Dreamcatcher Interactive\'s cult-hit Painkiller, coming to an Xbox near you in January. Download the latest audio offering from your pals at GF! right here.
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VSDA Reacts to Clinton/Lieberman Bill
news | 11/30/05 | Shawn Rider
Hillary Clinton and Joseph Lieberman have announced plans to introduce legislation called the Family Entertainment Protection Act (FEPA). The short story about the bill is that it would legislate the practices which are voluntary for retailers to follow under current ESRB guidelines, making it illegal to sell Mature rated games to minors, creating a formal avenue for consumer complaints, and initiating an annual review and \"secret-shopper\" survey of retailer compliance. The Video Software Dealers Association (VSDA) is not happy with the planned FEPA, and they have issued a statement against the bill today.
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I Like Watching You: Playing with Privacy in the Gaming Age
editorial | 11/18/05 | Aaron Stanton
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has developed a campus-wide Wi-Fi service that can track when and where you connect, recording your location for up to 12 hours. It could be the next best thing in multiplayer game matching (find a PSP or DS user nearby to hook up a game), but with cities like San Fransisco and Philadelphia already looking into municipal broadband projects, this sort of technology also raises some serious ethical questions. And after recent news of World of Warcraft\'s \"Warden\" program spying on your computer we\'re worried about these issues coming directly to videogames. Sony\'s massive blowout with spyware, rootkits, and a public backlash that will no doubt severely wound the company, will also affect in some tangential way (at best) PlayStation 3 development and launch. Aaron takes a look at these issues and probes the changing face of your gaming privacy.
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Magna Carta: Tears of Blood Review
game: Magna Carta: Tears of Blood
review | 11/15/05 | Amanda Bateman
No, we\'re not talking about a legal document limiting the power of English monarchs in the year of 1215 (But, if you can make a fun videogame about that, we\'d love to see it!). Atlus and Softmax\'s Magna Carta: Tears of Blood is a new roleplaying game for the PS2 that has made its way from Korea to Japan, and is now on its way to make a new niche in the United States. Unlike the real Magna Carta, this game is no guarantee of increased rights for the aristocracy, but it\'s still OK with us. Get Amanda\'s take on it right here.
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Is World of Warcraft Watching You?
game: World of Warcraft
editorial | 10/15/05 | Aaron Stanton
A recent posting on RootKit.com suggests that Blizzard installs software that watches the personal information of people playing their game. The software is designed to hunt for cheat-ware, but reads the title headings of any window open, regardless of its relation to WoW. The poster reports that he, \"watched the Warden sniff down the email addresses of people I was communicating with on MSN, (and) the URL of several websites that I had open at the time.\" Don\'t like that? Too bad. Considering that it\'s part of Blizzard\'s anti-hacking measures, it might be considered illegal for you to turn it off, or even try to. At what point do we consider this a problem?
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GF! Weekly Wrap-Up 8
podcast | 10/14/05 | Val Townsend
Val\'s back, and this week we have a podcast full of all the goods. We look at all the latest news, from the announcement of Peter Jackson as executive producer for the Halo movie to the Governator\'s attack on violent videogames. Tristan checks in with a review of Burnout: Revenge, and Aaron takes an early look at Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. It\'s seven solid minutes of audio goodness.
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IEMA Statement on California's New Anti-Violent Videogame Law
news | 10/12/05 | Shawn Rider
The Interactive Entertainment Merchants Association has released an official statement against a new California law signed into law yesterday by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who claims the law will \"require that violent video games be clearly labeled and not be sold to children under 18 years old.\" That\'s not a bad thing; in fact, games are already clearly labelled and rated for both age and content. And therein lies the problem: California\'s law does not recognize the ratings of the ESRB, and instead imposes a vague set of guidelines which retailers will be legally bound to. Needless to say, this puts retailers in a precarious position: In some way, every title must be separately re-rated in California, but the specifics of how that would work are not there. Click here to read more about the law and retailers\' statement against it.
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First Impressions of the Revolution Controller
editorial | 09/16/05 | George Holomshek
George, our resident Nintendophile, rolls around some ideas about the newly revealed Revolution controller. With few details to go on, George outlines some of the potential of the new controller, as well as some of our reservations (such as, what is the legal limit to the number of \"dongle\" jokes we can make in a single article?). Check out his impressions of the Revolution controller in this editorial.
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Water Cooler Games Slams IGDA's Sex & Games Group
news | 08/18/05 | Shawn Rider
The International Game Developers Association (IGDA) has created a Special Interest Group to investigate the issue of \"sex in games.\" They\'ve gotten a handful of developers with an interest in the topic together, and they\'re investigating issues developers are currently facing. Sounds useful at the start, but Ian Bogost, noteworthy gaming journalist, has posted a critique of the effort on Watercooler Games that has us nodding our heads.
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Editorial: The Reality of Games: Do Games Lead to Violence?
Articles Archive | 03/13/05 | Gary Wong
Gamers praise developers for the increasing visual authenticity found in video games. What happens when troubled individuals find too much authenticity in the games they play and take it to an extreme? How much responsibility should the gaming industry shoulder? Should it even be held to any amount of culpability?
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P2P For the Gaming Industry
Articles Archive | 02/18/05 |
Since P2P has become ubiquitous on the Internet, it has mostly been associated with game, movie and music piracy, which has somewhat prevented P2P technologies from being used to their full potential to enhance your gaming experience. Our own Wayne Chang, who is also CEO of AceGain and ByteSwarm, which provide download functionality for GF!, takes a look at the promise of P2P technologies, focusing on ByteSwarm, the technology he knows best, as an example of potential benefits we could see from safe, secure P2P networks.
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Midnight Club II Review
game: Midnight Club II
review | 05/05/03 | Matt James
Rockstar hasn\'t stopped the rockin\', and their latest offering, Midnight Club II is certainly faster and more furious than its predecessor. Bringing the thrill of illegal street racing to LA, Paris, and Tokyo is just the beginning. Go global on this bad boy using the online adapter and you\'re in for a world of joy. Click here for more.
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