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Search for 'quake' returned 7 results.

GF! Weekly Wrap-Up #14
podcast | 12/23/05 | Val Townsend
This week in the Wrap-Up, Val takes a look at a bunch of the reviews we couldn\'t fit into other podcasts. We rundown some of the best games of the season, including the wild-west adventure game GUN, the vehicular mayhem of Need for Speed: Most Wanted, the stylish Project Gotham Racing 3, alien warfare in Quake 4, and the handheld racing action of Mario Kart DS. We\'re cutting the crap and getting right to the goods. Check it out.
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Quake 4 Review
game: Quake 4
review | 12/21/05 | Jeremy Kauffman
Quake 4 arrives on the Xbox 360 and all of its next-gen processing glory and gore. Built on the Doom 3 engine for super-hot graphical prowess, this time out ye olde Quake features both a single-player Strogg hunting single-player story and the intense arena action we\'ve come to expect from the series. But can a few Halo-like improvements rocket-jump Quake 4 to the top of your holiday wishlist? Check Jeremy\'s review to find out.
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Quake 4 Review
game: Quake 4
review | 12/07/05 | Blaine Krumpe
id Software is a lumbering juggernaut in the industry, and their new Doom 3 engine is one of the most incredible technologies to hit games. So, of course, we were stoked to get our hands on some Quake IV action, built on the Doom engine. Raven Software handles the development duties this time out, and for fans of high energy running and gunning, Quake IV doesn\'t get much better than this. Blaine takes it for a spin and delivers the review of the PC version. Can it hold up to the high expectations of the fragging masses? Check here to find out.
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Three New Quake IV Screens
game: Quake IV
news | 09/07/05 | Shawn Rider
We know a few things about Quake IV: The single-player mode returns and has you fighting among the soldiers fending off the oncoming Strogg onslaught. The game runs on the Doom 3 engine, and it looks amaazing. And by all accounts from this summer\'s QuakeCon 2005, the multiplayer kicks @$$.
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Doom 3
game: Doom 3
review | 08/11/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
An entire generation of games was launched the day that iD released the first shareware versions of Doom back in 1994. Quake, Unreal, Half-Life; they all owe something to the game that started it all (ignoring Wolfenstein 3D, of course). Now, Doom 3 is on the shelves, and maybe the tables have turned. Let Tristan tell you about old games and new graphics. Read our review.
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Masters of Doom Review
game: Masters of Doom
review | 07/19/03 | Shawn Rider
David Kushner\'s latest book tells the story of two of gaming\'s most notable notables: John Carmack and John Romero. Masters of Doom: How Two Guys Created an Empire and Transformed Pop Culture is more than just a hummer of a title: It\'s a really enjoyable read. From Commander Keen to Quake, the story of these two Johns impacts virtually every facet of the gaming world. This one should be on your summer reading list. Click here for the review.
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INTERVIEW - John Gildred, Founder and CEO of Indrema
Articles Archive | 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Just before E3 we received an email from a new company, Indrema, that is bringing a Linux-based console to the market next winter. With a tentative release date of December 2000, the Indrema L600 should launch with 30 titles, including Quake III: Arena, Unreal Tournament, Heavy Gear II, and Sim City 2000. The system is expected to retail for $299 and features an upgradeable graphics processor by NVidia, and there will be two versions to support both broadband and 56K users right out of the box. In addition, the package will include MP3 player software and a Mozilla-based web browser. The hardware specifications for the system are impressive, and the fact that the graphics processor is upgradeable will at least give the system some real longevity. Upgrades are expected to cost between $50 and $100, and may potentially be produced by companies other than NVidia, giving Indrema good mobility in the ever-changing GPU world.
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