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Search for 'smaller' returned 5 results.

E For All
news | 11/19/07 | Monica Hafer
E For All made its debut last month, attempting to be the more democratic, \"everyman\'s\" convention in the videogame industry. While its stature was smaller than E3 had been in the past, it certainly had a heck of a lot of heart. Monica was our eyes and ears on the scene of what might be the herald of a new focus in the world of game marketing and development.
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SEGA Rally Revo Demo On Xbox Live
game: Sega Rally Revo
news | 09/17/07 | Chris Martin
So, in case you missed it, I\'m pretty stoked about SEGA Rally Revo for Xbox 360. Some early reviews are in: IGN UK gave it 8.8/10 and EuroGamer gave it a 9/10. Knowing this makes me ache for it more. If you\'re thinking about picking up SEGA Rally Revo, it\'s officially out today (09/17/07) in the UK--those in the US will have to wait until October 9th. And if you just want to check it out first, the Demo has just hit Xbox Live. At over half a gig, it\'s one of the smaller demos out there, but we\'ll let the gameplay speak for itself.
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E3 Is No More: After the Shock
news | 08/03/06 | Aaron Stanton
E3 has fundamentally ceased to exist. You\'ve probably heard. Last year, E3 was attended by over 70,000 people. Next year, the ESA estimates attendance will fall somewhere between 5,000 and 10,000, making it smaller PAX. The L.A. Convention Center is a thing of the past, given up in favor of hotels throughout the L.A. area. What does it mean to have the industry\'s largest event disappear with no warning at all, nearly overnight? Half the industry is breathing a sigh of relief, and the other half has already opened a questing eye looking for the next event to take its place. The opportunity for random discovery has diminished, but the chance to get actual, useful information out of the event has increased immensely. We can only wonder at the consequences. GamesFirst and E3 were started at nearly the same time, within a year of each other, and it\'s like seeing a brother get married or something. They\'re still there, but you don\'t get to hang out with them as much anymore.
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DS Lite Unveiled
game: Nintendo DS
news | 01/29/06 | George Holomshek
Nintendo has a history of redesigning and refining technology every couple of years. So it was just a matter of time before big N decided to redesign the Nintendo DS (and don\'t be surprised to see another redesign in two years, but that\'s just our prediction). After a bit of he-said/she-said melodrama, Nintendo has released concrete details about the new Nintendo DS Lite, which is exactly like a Nintendo DS except smaller and cuter. George has nailed down the details here, including the nasty rumors that the smaller size has come at a sacrifice to GBA compatability. Get the full story here.
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SketchFighter 4000 Preview
game: SketchFighter 4000
preview | 12/26/05 | Aaron Stanton
Though large publishers like EA and Ubisoft might get most of the mainstream media coverage, the most creative companies sometimes tend to be smaller, less well known. Ambrosia Software, creators of Darwinia, have come up with another instantly recognizable success. Now heading into Beta, SketchFighter 4000 is an action exploration game that\'s defined by its presentation. The entire game looks like it was drawn during third period on a notepad.
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