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Search for 'social' returned 13 results.

Online Negotiation Games by Zap Dramatic
review | 10/30/06 | Laurie Taylor
Zap Dramatic makes a unique series of games built around negotiating. In games such as \"The Raise\" and \"The Mediator,\" players must navigate through a complex social web, made more realistic by a touch of unpredictability and predictable limitations. Dialogue-oriented games are occasionally popular (Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney, for example), but often suffer from the good/bad, light side/dark side, oversimplification of games like Fable or Knights of the Old Republic. Laurie takes a look at some of the Zap Dramatic offerings in this group review.
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City Life Review
game: City Life
review | 07/15/06 | George Holomshek
CDV and developer Monte Cristo bring us City Life, a new take on the city sim with City Life. As Mr. Wright moves on to managing the galaxy, what are we to do as mere mortals who are probably reaching a bit too far to even imagine ourselves as \"mayoral material?\" The big new hook is a social awareness aspect that makes it necessary to manage neighborhoods and social class to spice up your urban planning fantasies. If you\'re in the mood for another stab at building your metropolis, check out George\'s review here.
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Crackdown Preview
game: Crackdown
preview | 05/18/06 | RJ Brooks
Microsoft has been scooping up some of the most promising international talent in game development, and Real Time Worlds is no exception. Headed by David Jones, former head of the (in)famous DMA Studios, who created the Grand Theft Auto series, Real Time Worlds has produced a second-gen Xbox 360 title that exemplifies where next-gen gaming can go. Crackdown offers free-roaming free-play augmented by incredibly interactive environments and totally futuristic social gaming features. Check out Robert\'s review here.
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Xbox Can Blog: 360Voice and the Internet of Things
game: Xbox 360
feature | 05/04/06 | Shawn Rider
Last March at the O\'Reilly Emerging Tech Conference, Bruce Sterling spoke about the concept of \"blogjects\"-- objects that generate data about their use and existence across space and time. What does that have to do with games? Two programmers have taken the concept, combined it with the Xbox Live game data feed generated by Xbox 360s everywhere, and have created a service that allows your Xbox to blog. Check out our coverage here.
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What Xbox Live Needs Is...
game: Xbox Live
editorial | 03/05/06 | Shawn Rider
Xbox Live is an excellent gaming service, and by all accounts the best thing going for ease of use and consistent reliability. It\'s the only online game in town so far when it comes to the home console, too. But that is about to change: With Nintendo and Sony both rolling out competing online gaming services this year, Xbox Live needs to be at the top of its game. So far it has been doing well, but we thought we\'d help out by offering up a few ideas we have for improving the Xbox Live service. Check out Shawn\'s editorial here.
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Philips Entertaible Debuts at CES
game: Philips Entertaible
preview | 01/05/06 | Shawn Rider
Philips has a crazy idea: Put a 30\" touch sensitive LCD monitor into a sturdy wooden table, make some digital-smarty pawns and dice, and let game developers go crazy on a hybrid digital and real-world based console platform. But it\'s more than a crazy idea: It\'s the Entertaible, and it\'s being shown off at the Consumer Electronics Show 2006. The Entertaible is set to redefine board games and brings us multiplayer touch-oriented gaming. If touching is good by yourself, it must be even better in a group. Get the details on the Philips Entertaible in our preview.
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Excellent Discussion of WoW Plague on NPR
game: World of Warcraft
news | 10/08/05 | Shawn Rider
NPR\'s All Things Considered has an excellent piece covering the recent Corrupted Blood plague in World of Warcraft. They consult everyone from computer mediated social interactions expert Sherry Turkle to other scientists and epidemiologists. The piece also features players discussing their experiences and covers some examples of in-game philanthropy as players donated resurrections and cures to other players who had died in the plague. It\'s a quick audio file, and definitely worth the download. Get it here.
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Alter Ego looking for Online Gamers to Appear in Book/Art Project
news | 09/01/05 | Aaron Stanton
Maybe it\'s because we\'re so universally tied to various Universities around the world, but the idea that video games are a form of art makes us here at GamesFirst very happy. Games should be taken more seriously as an expression of emotion, a source of social interaction, and a medium as capable of expressing ideas as TV and print. But it\'s not. Authors Tracy Spaight and Robbie Cooper are looking for MMO gamers willing to tell their tale for an upcoming book and art project, Alter Ego. Alter Ego will try to contrast real players with their online counterparts, documenting player profiles to see how they compare in both appearance and personality. In other words, they want you... assuming you play online. If you\'re interested in being a part of an interesting International project, make sure you read more to find out how.
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Beta Signups Open for Mobile Online Space Shooter
game: The Battle for Orion's Belt
news | 08/17/05 | Shawn Rider
Cellufun is bringing The Battle for Orion\'s Belt to the mobile scene. This mobile space combat action game will allow up to eight player deathmatches and the formation of \"cliques\" for online cooperative play. Sounds fun. Adventurous and social gamers will definitely want to check out what\'s going on with the Beta signups, which are open right now.
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E3 2004 Handheld Impressions
Articles Archive | 05/15/04 | Aaron Stanton
The handheld gaming market was a big deal this E3. With the PSP, DS, and QD all taking us outside and making us social, playing games over all sorts of mediums, from Bluetooth to Wi-fi, it's hard to tell who's going to come out on top. Who's going to have the better system? Well, read here for Aaron's first thoughts on what system you're going to want in your pocket come next year.
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EDITORIAL - Consoles as Communal Entertainment
Articles Archive | 01/22/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Mind-numbing, anti-social, violence-inducing, sexually explicit: the list of evils attributed to video games gets ever longer. Apparently, the fact that games are achieving more "realness," according to Lois Salisbury, president of Children Now, based in Oakland, California, makes them more potent than ever in their ability to warp the minds of young 'uns.
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EDITORIAL - Consoles as Communal Entertainment
Articles Archive | 01/22/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Mind-numbing, anti-social, violence-inducing, sexually explicit: the list of evils attributed to video games gets ever longer. Apparently, the fact that games are achieving more "realness," according to Lois Salisbury, president of Children Now, based in Oakland, California, makes them more potent than ever in their ability to warp the minds of young 'uns.

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Your PS2 DVD Player Vs. The Competition
Articles Archive | 10/30/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
So, as I was standing in line at 6:00 a.m., waiting for Big K to open and deliver me my PS2 booty, the hot topic amongst the fellow first-come-first-servers was DVD. None of us doubted the PS2 game system would be hot, but for many people DVD playback was what brought them out to brave hypothermia, and risk social rejection for years to come. (Hey, camping out for a PS2 is a hell of a lot cooler than doing the same for a Furby”you can't even give those things away anymore!) I have to admit I was skeptical.

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