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Search for 'speech' returned 5 results.

Nibris Unveils New Info and Screens for ?Raid Over the River?
game: Raid Over the River
news | 06/14/06 | George Holomshek
Polish developer Nibris spilled the beans on their upcoming Raid Over the River, an exclusive Nintendo DS and Wii two-part series. When archaeologists in Peru discover an ancient artifact, top-down aerial time-travelling combat ensues (as you probably expected). The game looks and sounds like a spiffed up River Raid, but this revamp includes the addition of touch-screen control elements (most of the game is played traditionally) and voice-activated special moves. The overblown storyline and funky control schemes could make this series one to watch. Get the full story from George, right here.
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Seed Beta Test Sign-Ups
game: Seed
news | 01/10/06 | Shawn Rider
Beta signups are now open for the upcoming sci-fi MMORPG, Seed. Seed puts you in the role of a colonist settling the tense, perilous planet Da Vinci. A unique cel-shaded visual approach gives Seed the feeling of a graphic novel, and all of the in-game information is designed to uphold this comic book feel: Speech is shown in dialogue bubbles, and the screen is broken into panels. Gameplay is unique, too, focusing on character development and dynamically generated stories that are created for each individual player according to their style. Check out the Seed beta signups in order to get the early bird special this February.
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What You Need To Know About HDTV
feature | 11/19/05 | Jeremy Kauffman
The Xbox 360 and PS3 will both use HD as the standard for all games on those systems. So, what do gamers need to know as they consider upgrading from the old antenae and tin foil combo to High Definition Television? Jeremy gives you the lowdown right here: From the basics of HDTV television and numbers to choosing an aspect ratio, display technology, and even what cords to use. Some call it in-depth. Others stand speechless in awe.
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Advent Rising, Storytelling, and Free Speech in Video Games
Articles Archive | 01/17/05 | Aaron Stanton
How important can great storytelling in a game be? Characters we care about? Plots we actually want to know the ending to? Sounds like a book or something. Take a moment to find out why Aaron connects Advent Rising with art in video games, free speech, and apparently an issue he has with remembering things.
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Free Expression Policy Project
Articles Archive | 09/27/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Last Spring US District Court Judge Stephen N. Limbaugh Sr. determined that videogames do not qualify as "speech" and are therefore not protected under the First Amendment. The case was brought before Judge Limbaugh by the Interactive Digital Software Association (IDSA) and St. Louis videogame retailers and arcade owners who were upset about an ordinance passed by the St. Louis City Council regulating violent and mature videogames. In the court's ruling, Judge Limbaugh wrote that there is "no conveyance of ideas, expressions, or anything else that could possibly amount to speech. The court finds that video games have more in common with board games and sports than they do with motion pictures."

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