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Search for 'student' returned 7 results.

Student Declared Witch and Burned for Making In-Game Map of High School.
editorial | 05/02/07 | Aaron Stanton
When a student at Clements High School in Texas made a video game mod based on the layout of his local high school, he probably didn\'t expect the reaction it eventually received. Two months after the map was created, the Virginia Tech shootings happened, and authorities took the students map as a threat. Not only was he removed from the campus grounds and sent to an alternative school, he\'s been bared from participating in graduation. Yet no one seems to believe that he actually represented a threat to the community - in that no one seems convinced he was on the verge of picking up a gun and shooting someone. The only problem is that he did something that - some people, at least - connect to events like Virginia Tech. In other words, it didn\'t matter that he wasn\'t really a witch, merely that he looked enough like one to be punished.
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Eragon Review
game: Eragon
review | 01/15/07 | Jason Perkins
The story behind the first Eragon book, movie, and video game is an interesting one, starting with a home-schooled student that published his book at 19 years old. Now, with a movie that is being universally trashed by reviewers, the Eragon video game has come forward to redeem the franchise from embarrassment. Sadly, its repetitive gameplay and incoherent storytelling don\'t do Eragon much justice, portraying the world as nothing but an endless stream of bad guys with frustrating gameplay. The movie and book have been accused of being derivative of classics like Star Wars; the video game doesn\'t present a coherent enough story to be accused of being derivative of anything.
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Slamdance Gamemakers Competition Announces Contest Winners
news | 02/12/06 | Sean Hilliard
The Slamdance Guerrilla Gamemakers Competition continues to bring innovative, independent gaming to the masses. But just in case you weren\'t able to make it out to Utah for the events, our man Sean has you covered with a complete rundown of the prize winners. From art-game darling, Facade, which took home the Grand Jury Prize, to the PopCap Casual Game award-winner, Odyssey, these are games worth checking out. And lots of them are available for you to download and play. So get the scoop right here.
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The Right Moves: West Virginia Officially Adopts DDR Into Physical Education Curriculum
game: Dance Dance Revolution
editorial | 01/26/06 | Shawn Rider
The state of West Virginia has partnered with game publisher Konami to bring Dance Dance Revolution into hundreds of school physical education programs. The deal will roll out over 700 Dance Dance Revolution arcade machines, beginning with the state\'s 103 middle/junior high schools. The officials are doing the right thing, but they\'re citing the wrong reasons. DDR is not a way to combat the sedentary lifestyle of the youth, it\'s a way to create a modernized physical education curriculum that does what it should: engages students in realistic physical activity. Shawn steps up to the soapbox in this editorial.
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Slamdance Film Festival Guerilla Gamemaker Competition Finalists Round-Up
news | 01/22/06 | Sean Hilliard
The Slamdance Guerilla Gamemaker Competition naturally turned a lot of heads at Games First! GF! editors are excited about anything involving the words \"indy\" and \"gaming,\" and the Guerilla Gamemaker Competition doesn\'t disappoint. Check out Sean\'s in-depth coverage and see the future of indy gaming now. And follow the links in the article to sites where you can download and play most of these games for free!
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The Student Who Beat the Revolution
game: Addi's Pebble
feature | 12/29/05 | Aaron Stanton
The Asia Game Show & DEE Asia 2005 had some interesting items on display, but the only gem was a student design project tucked in the back corner. Pebble, designed by Addi Lam, uses a controller that\'s very similar to the Revolution. Only it was built months before Nintendo announced anything about the Revolution\'s nifty control approach. This project was developed entirely independent of Nintendo. For a brief moment at the AGSDEE Asia, lucky visitors had a chance to see what Nintendo\'s been talking about.
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Slamdance Guerilla Gamemaker Competition Features Student, Art Games
news | 12/17/05 | Shawn Rider
Slamdance, the indy film festival that runs opposite Sundance (the just-shy-of-Hollywood film festival), will hold a Guerilla Gamemaker Competition this year. Featuring well-known indy and art games such as Cloud and Facade among a list of others. Slamdance will feature a Game Lounge area where attendees can play all of these indy games and Slamdance will bestow an array of awards on the independent developers, students and artists who have created some of the most unique games we\'ve ever seen.
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