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Search for 'tights' returned 3 results.
game: Superman Returns
preview | 05/20/06 | Matt James
Superman may be one of the top superheroes in the superheroing business, but in videogames he has a spotty record at best. However, EA and their Tiburon studio is set to return the Man of Steel to glory (and, coincidentally tie-in with the latest Superman film, which, you know, out to bode well, right?). With some definitely next-gen visuals, Superman looks pretty, but can he back up his sexy little spit curl with a solid game experience? Matt James takes a look at Superman returns, and manages to avoid making a single joke about Superman 64. Amazing! Get the full preview here.
comic | 02/21/06 | Aaron Stanton
Zelda\'s Tingle is probably one of the most unusual and distinctive characters in video game history. The short, stocky little guy in green
tights can be more than annoying; he can be downright creepy at times. Yet does Tingle have a secret identity? When he\'s not out bothering Link, maybe he\'s a costume designer for Dead or Alive. You have to admit, the similarities are there. Skin tight clothes. Matching ears. Similar creep factor. Read this week\'s Twoplayer comic,
Tingle\'s Secret Profession.Twoplayer game comics are published at
game: Superman: Man of Steel
review | 11/17/02 | Jason Frank
Oh, it looks really nice. Really, REALLY nice. But Superman: Man of Steel plays very poorly. The controls are so awkward that it\'s hard to find the icing on this cake. If you\'re a huge fan of the man in the blue tights, then you might go for the rental, but average, non-super humans will struggle with crippling frustration and woe.
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