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Search for 'trojan' returned 5 results.

Kroes to Microsoft: 'I Will Not Tolerate Repeated Non-Compliance'
news | 09/18/07 | Chris Martin
While we here in Seattle get to watch the Mariners crumble in what was a pretty decent year, we also get front page Microsoft news, regularly. Today, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reported that the European Court of First Instance, in a move upholding key elements of the March 2004 European Commission Decision, declared the American company responsible for misusing it\'s Windows monopoly. Specifically, the company packages Windows Media Player with their Windows software, a la trojan horse, allowing market dominance of the software. Microsoft to EU court: \"the decision on the Media Player opens a dangerous precedent for other companies and sectors. Airbus should start worrying about adding new features to their planes.\"
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Maker of DS Trojan Apologizes
game: Nintendo DS
news | 10/17/05 | Aaron Stanton
The creator of Trojan.DSBrick.A and B, Trojans that disable the Nintendo DS when installed, has issued a public apology. The Brick Trojan seeks out and deletes key system files from Nintendo\'s handheld, rendering it near worthless, or Bricked. Average DS owners have nothing to fear, since the Trojan can\'t spread without the active involvement of the user, but fellow members of the homebrew community have been in an uproar over the issue. DarkFader posted a public apology, along with instructions on how to repair a DS destroyed by the Trojan (to the best of our ability) on his website.
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GF! Weekly Wrap-Up 8
podcast | 10/14/05 | Val Townsend
Val\'s back, and this week we have a podcast full of all the goods. We look at all the latest news, from the announcement of Peter Jackson as executive producer for the Halo movie to the Governator\'s attack on violent videogames. Tristan checks in with a review of Burnout: Revenge, and Aaron takes an early look at Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. It\'s seven solid minutes of audio goodness.
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Nintendo DS Trojan: Nintendophiles Get Bricks Too
news | 10/11/05 | Shawn Rider
In a shocking turn of events (and just plain weird event in general), news comes to us through several sources of a Nintendo DS Trojan. The malicious program is known as either \"hentai loader\", \"r0mloader.zip\", or \"taihen.zip\", and is designed to \'brick\' your Nintendo DS. The program promises to load either pirated game roms or hentai (a Japanese term for pornographic comics and cartoons) on your DS when loaded using a flash rom device, which makes it possible to run homebrew applications and games on the Nintendo DS.
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PSP's Red Death: Virus Masquerading as Firmware Downgrade
game: PSP
news | 10/07/05 | Aaron Stanton
A fair warning to all you potential PSP hackers in the world; there\'s a virus for your PSP that\'s masquerading as a firmware downgrade. With the release of an actual firmware downgrader, it\'s easy to see why people might be tempted to download this little virus and install it in an attempt to run their PSPs back to a more flexible state. However, the virus - called PSPbrick - ends your PSP. By deleting key files, the Trojan destroys your PSP for all practical purposes. Since you can\'t undo the damage without a functioning PSP to hack, PSP owners are basically out of a system. Of course, since hacking your PSP voids the warranty, Sony has announced that they\'re washing their hands of the problem. Such is the risk of system hacking. For those of you without a hacked PSP, you needn\'t worry. The virus isn\'t capable of transferring between systems without the user actively installing it.
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