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Search for 'Meatal Slug Anthology' returned 11 results.

Metal Slug Anthology Review
game: Meatal Slug Anthology
review | 04/12/07 | Matt James
Metal Slug Anthology continues SNK\'s tradition of beating mildly successful franchises to death. This time they package the entirety of the Metal Slug library onto one Wii disc. That\'s seven (count them, Seven!) Metal Slug games for about ten (10!) bucks cheaper than one fully priced game. With updated controls meant specifically for the Wii, what else could you ask for? Is this finally the ultimate Metal Slug package? Find out inside!
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Brigade E5: New Jagged Union Review
game: Brigade E5: New Jagged Union
review | 12/05/06 | Jason Perkins
Attempting to capitalize on the void left by the \'90s classic Jagged Alliance, Brigade E5: New Jagged Union brings mercenary strategy back to the PC. Sadly, with a poor graphics engine, buggy gameplay, and portions of the dialog that someone forgot to translate from the original Russian during the English conversion of the game, Brigade is a train wreck. The mulitplayer isn\'t functional and the game will sometimes miss event triggers after you beat a mission. Solid it concept, sluggish in execution, you\'ll want to avoid Jagged Union until patches make it playable.
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Street Fighter Alpha Anthology Review: All the Street Fighting You Could Ever Want
game: Street Fighter Alpha Anthology
review | 08/14/06 | Amanda Bateman
Old school fighting game fans, get your thumbs ready. The Street Fighter Alpha series has been bundled into one convenient package and adapted for the PS2. But is that enough for the classic 2D side-scrolling fighter to grab and hold your interest? The anthology offers a great classic arcade feel, but the gameplay of Street Fighter has been copied enough times over the years that the fighting is, sadly, nothing special anymore. If you\'re a fan of the past, this is a great collection, as collections go, but it stands as a reminder of how far fighting games have come over the years.
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Gradius Collection Review
game: Gradius Collection
review | 07/20/06 | Matt James
Konami\'s latest retro anthology, Gradius Collection, brings a long legacy of side-scrolling shooter mayhem to the PSP. For fans of the classic space-cave action Gradius made popular, this is a must-have collection. Sporting some welcome enhancements, including a quick-save feature that helps players reach previously unattainable levels and makes the games more portable-friendly, Gradius Collection is worth checking out to spice up that summertime commute. Matt James has the review right here.
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Street Fighter Alpha Anthology: A Classic Combination Pack
game: Street Fighter Alpha Anthology
review | 07/07/06 | Laurie Taylor
Capcom\'s Street Fighter is coming once again to the PlayStation 2, but this time in a package containing five classic Street Fighter titles. Street Fighter Alpha Anthology is an all-in-one 2D fighting history lesson. If you\'re XBL-deprived, or just way into your classic fighters, you might want to check this out. Get the full review from Laurie.
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GF! Weekly Wrap-Up
podcast | 09/24/05 | Val Townsend
Val\'s back with another awesome GF! Weekly Wrap-Up. This week we take a look at Jets \'n Guns, Fable: The Lost Chapters, and Metal Slug 4/5. We also have a preview of the oh-so-dreamy Alan Wake, and of course a summary of the week\'s biggest news stories. Give the controller a wee break and check this out.
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Metal Slug 4 & 5
game: Metal Slug 4 & 5
review | 09/16/05 | Matt James
Metal Slug 4/5 from SNK Playmore brings the classic Metal Slug 2D sidescroller to the Xbox once again, this time in a double-game combo pack. The inclusion of two games is good, because these things are quick plays. But if you\'ve worn out the analog stick on your NGPC, then you know you\'re in the target audience here. For the rest of us, Matt James tells us why this is a \"renter\" rather than a \"buyer\".
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Alien Hominid
game: Alien Hominid
review | 01/02/05 | Laurie Taylor
It's always good to see a game developed independent of the mainstream industry, as is the case of Alien Hominid, a side scrolling mountain of action that scores points with anyone that has a taste for old-school, Contra-style gameplay. Read why this stylistic GameCube and PS2 title is well worth your time.
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SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom
game: SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom
review | 11/16/04 | Matt James
SNK brings us some 2D online goodness with SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos. Even still, the redundancy of the title, sluggish controls and even more sluggish online play are opponents this little fighter just can't KO. It ain't great; it ain't bad. It's thoroughly mediocre. Check the review for Matt's complete writeup.
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Metal Slug 3
game: Metal Slug 3
review | 06/09/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Since its somewhat humble origins on the Neo-Geo console / arcade system, the Metal Slug series has developed a cult following by being one of the most addictive side-scrolling shoot-em-ups to grace any arcade or home console. Click here to read how well the latest installation makes the transition to the XBox.
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King of Fighters 2000/2001
game: King of Fighters 2000/2001
review | 02/23/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
2D fight fans, harken unto me. The King of Fighter 2000/2001 offers an amazingly deep combat system that is sure to keep you engrossed for many weeks. And what's more, you get two games for the price of one. Don't look for a graphical powerhouse, and don't look for a button mashing slug fest, but if you have the hankering to throw down in two dimensions, this just might be for you. Click here for the full review.
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