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Search for 'Splashdown' returned 3 results.

Splashdown: Rides Gone Wild Review
game: Splashdown: Rides Gone Wild
review | 10/09/03 | Matt James
THQ is back with the latest installment in the popular Splashdown jetski racing series, with a game for the PS2.
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Splashdown: Rides Gone Wild
game: Splashdown: Rides Gone Wild
review | 10/09/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
THQ is back with the latest installment in the popular Splashdown jetski racing series, with a game for the PS2. Click here to find out if it's worth its salt.
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Splashdown Review
game: Splashdown
review | 09/04/02 | Shawn Rider
Infogrames and Atari bring us a title that gives Wave Race: Blue Storm a real run for its money. Splashdown features stunning visuals, lots of well-designed courses, and plenty of gameplay to keep you running those waves well into the next year. Fans of racers and watersports, click!
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