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Search for 'Streets of L.A.' returned 9 results.
game: Robowarrior
feature | 10/07/06 | James Gardiner
RoboWarrior: a game with an unrecognizable title, perhaps, but a title of some great importance. For instance, RoboWarrior was partly responsible for the fall of the former Soviet Union; when Jaleco sent copies of it to civilians, there commenced massive riots and burnings of giant NES effigies in the streets! Don\'t bother looking that little tidbit of knowledge up in a history book, it\'s all part of a Soviet cover-up to keep it very hush hush. Today, the story of a man named ZED will be told!
news | 08/03/06 | Aaron Stanton
E3 has fundamentally ceased to exist. You\'ve probably heard. Last year, E3 was attended by over 70,000 people. Next year, the ESA estimates attendance will fall somewhere between 5,000 and 10,000, making it smaller PAX. The L.A. Convention Center is a thing of the past, given up in favor of hotels throughout the L.A. area. What does it mean to have the industry\'s largest event disappear with no warning at all, nearly overnight? Half the industry is breathing a sigh of relief, and the other half has already opened a questing eye looking for the next event to take its place. The opportunity for random discovery has diminished, but the chance to get actual, useful information out of the event has increased immensely. We can only wonder at the consequences. GamesFirst and E3 were started at nearly the same time, within a year of each other, and it\'s like seeing a brother get married or something. They\'re still there, but you don\'t get to hang out with them as much anymore.
game: Street Supremacy
review | 03/12/06 | Matt James
With at least three other solid racing games available for the PSP, a racing title has to do something above and beyond good just to stand out on the system. Either that or something really bad. Street Supremacy is now on store shelves and begging for you to give it a go. But is that wise? Here\'s a warning: Speed walking might seem fast paced and high intensity after a few hours strolling down the streets of Supremacy. If you\'re looking for something to make the mundane elements of your life seem interesting and exciting, Street Supremacy might be for you. Read on for details.
game: Burnout: Revenge
review | 09/29/05 | Tristan Mayshark
Electronic Arts\' latest update to the Burnout series, Burnout: Revenge puts the focus squarely on action and destruction. With many more routes open on each track, and some significant shifting of gameplay elements, this is a sequel that will either be very well-liked, or, if you\'re like our man Tristan, will have you returning to Burnout 3 to try to regain that je ne sais quoi of creating streets full of vehicular carnage.
game: Bet On Soldier: Blood Sport
news | 08/31/05 | Shawn Rider
Bet On Soldier: Blood Sport takes a high energy FPS starting point and amps it up with some novel approaches to multiplayer gameplay. In BOS, you live and die by your victories, and this war isn\'t waged for peace or freedom; this war is waged for ratings and money. UK gamers will be enjoying Bet On Soldier for PC in a few short weeks, and hopefully we\'ll get to check it out so we can know whether or not to riot in the streets until it comes to the US.
comic | 05/15/05 | Aaron Stanton
E3 is here! At least, for me it is. The west coast GF! crew boards a plane during tomorrow\'s wee-early morning hours for our flight down to
L.A. That means that today\'s twoplayer comic -
Best Source for Next-Gen Rumors - also marks the beginning of our weeklong E3 series of twoplayer. We\'ll have one new TP comic going up a day for the rest of the week. Course, they\'ll show up along with the rest of this year\'s E3 coverage. There\'s going to be lots of it, so be sure to check in regularly.
Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at
game: Streets of L.A.
review | 01/21/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Is it the next big thing, or just another GTA clone that wasn't quite there. True Crime: Streets of LA, delivers an action game, a narrative experience, a driving game, and a fighting game all into one. This free roaming game puts you in the shoes of a LAPD cop. Will you be a good cop or a bad cop? What kind of story will you tell? The choice is yours, but choose to click here first.
game: Spider-Man 2
preview | 05/26/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Activision is still early in the development of their latest Spider-Man game, Spider-Man 2, which is set to coincide with the release of the second film. This time around, Spidey has access to the streets of Manhattan, and thanks to a liberal dose of THPS4-style mission assignment, he now takes on side missions for a much more robust gaming challenge. If you enjoyed the last game, then this one should be on your list.
game: Spider-Man 2
preview | 05/26/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Activision is still early in the development of their latest Spider-Man game, Spider-Man 2, which is set to coincide with the release of the second film. This time around, Spidey has access to the streets of Manhattan, and thanks to a liberal dose of THPS4-style mission assignment, he now takes on side missions for a much more robust gaming challenge. If you enjoyed the last game, then this one should be on your list. Click!
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