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Search for 'ali' returned 226 results.

Editorial: Help me! I'm addicted to World of Warcraft!
Articles Archive | 03/29/05 | Gary Wong
You've just plunked down 50 hard earned dollars and purchased World of Warcraft. You're looking forward to logging some quality time playing the game. Do you know when you're putting in too much time into the game? Gary Wong, recovering WoW addict, saw the warning signs and has written a cautionary tale.
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Editorial: So You Want a PSP...
Articles Archive | 03/22/05 | Jason Frank
So you want a PSP, but your wife says, "No." Such is the predicament for many grown men eagerly waiting for Thursday's launch of the PSP. "But wait," you say, "isn't the PSP an all-in-one marvel of modern technology that pretty much does it all? That huge feature set MUST help us convince our significant others how much the unit will benefit by having a PSP..." Check out Jason Frank's valiant attempt in this editorial.
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Tekken 5
game: Tekken 5
review | 03/20/05 | Eric Qualls
Tekken has been around for ten years now and Namco is celebrating by releasing the best game the series has seen so far. Tekken 5 is fast, fun, easy to get into, and is a joy to play for hardcore fighting fans and newbies alike. Read our full review.
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Coffee Talk with EA_Spouse
Articles Archive | 03/13/05 | Gary Wong
Behind every successful video game are a team of developers who work long, hard hours to create the best product they can for you, the gamer. When those developers work too long and too hard without just compensation, EA_Spouse voices their concerns. We talk to her about the mainstream reaction to her article, EA's recent market moves, and GameWatch, her new project to illuminate quality of life issues in the game development industry.
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Editorial: The Reality of Games: Do Games Lead to Violence?
Articles Archive | 03/13/05 | Gary Wong
Gamers praise developers for the increasing visual authenticity found in video games. What happens when troubled individuals find too much authenticity in the games they play and take it to an extreme? How much responsibility should the gaming industry shoulder? Should it even be held to any amount of culpability?
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P2P For the Gaming Industry
Articles Archive | 02/18/05 |
Since P2P has become ubiquitous on the Internet, it has mostly been associated with game, movie and music piracy, which has somewhat prevented P2P technologies from being used to their full potential to enhance your gaming experience. Our own Wayne Chang, who is also CEO of AceGain and ByteSwarm, which provide download functionality for GF!, takes a look at the promise of P2P technologies, focusing on ByteSwarm, the technology he knows best, as an example of potential benefits we could see from safe, secure P2P networks.
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Ubisoft Focus: Silent Hunter III
game: Ubisoft Focus: Silent Hunter III
preview | 01/27/05 | Aaron Stanton
Coming just over the horizon, Silent Hunter III is the culmination of everything the series has tried to offer in the past: realism and fun, combined with beautiful graphics and a cinematic design. Check out what this upcoming U-boat simulator has to offer, and then see if you can hold your breath until the release date (please don't really try to hold your breath until the release date).
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Resident Evil 4
game: Resident Evil 4
review | 01/24/05 | George Holomshek
As so many gamers will tell you, zombies make for good gaming. And the OG zombie shooter is Resident Evil. When it first came out, the RE series was an amazing achievement featuring moody camera angles and truly frightening gameplay. But after three major incarnations, and twice as many spin-offs, it's hard to keep the magic alive. So we were a little nervous about Resident Evil 4, the latest installment of the series. We all huddled in the back shed and then we pushed out one of our new guys, George, to see if the zombies would eat his brain. He got a little munched, but a couple of green herbs fixed him right up, and he managed to come up with an in-depth review. Click the details link for lots more.
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Ubisoft Focus: Brothers in Arms
game: Ubisoft Focus: Brothers in Arms
preview | 01/05/05 | Aaron Stanton
Take a look at Brothers in Arms, a tactical shooter aiming to offer one of the most realistic WWII experiences in gaming history. Taking place over terrain modeled on actual maps of real world battle locations, Brothers in Arms looks to offer an engaging and intense story with all the gameplay goodness of other Ubisoft titles like Rainbow Six 3. Check it out.
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Alien Hominid
game: Alien Hominid
review | 01/02/05 | Laurie Taylor
It's always good to see a game developed independent of the mainstream industry, as is the case of Alien Hominid, a side scrolling mountain of action that scores points with anyone that has a taste for old-school, Contra-style gameplay. Read why this stylistic GameCube and PS2 title is well worth your time.
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Super Mario 64 DS
game: Super Mario 64 DS
review | 12/21/04 | Matt James

The Nintendo DS has launched with a dicey line-up of titles, touting one or two great games and a fair number barely worth your time. Mario 64 DS certainly qualifies as one of the first. Don't pick up a DS without this little gem in your pocket, because it's the best the DS has to offer at the moment. Be sure to read our review.
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Gamesfirst! Holiday Wishlist! '04: Part 1
Articles Archive | 12/16/04 | Chris Martin
There's no time better in the gaming industry than Christmas, partly because there's always an excess of quality holiday titles hitting the shelves, but also partly because it's the one time of year when someone else might join in the feeding of our gaming habits. It's a time of possibility; a time when not only is it possible to maybe get free games, but if classics like Miracle on 34th Street are to be believed, also, maybe, things like houses and stuff. So when we here at GF! asked a number of our crew what they really wanted for Christmas, we didn't let them be limited by anything like reality. Be sure to read Part I of our GamesFirst! Christmas Wishlist, where we reveal the true depth of our gaming addictions (a few of the responses may lead to psychiatric evaluations, and probably at least one committal? it happens every year). Only 9 days and counting!
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Everquest II
game: Everquest II
review | 12/14/04 | Eric Bodrero
With quality competition from games like City of Heroes and World of Warcraft, all arriving in the last year to vie for our monthly subscription dollars, the makers of EverQuest have a much tougher battlefield before them than they did five years ago when the series first helped define the genre. How good of an experience does EverQuest II offer? Is it worth your time in a world awash with MMOGs? Make sure you read Eric's review to find out.
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Me Lean Like Persian Prince, You Buff Like Conan: Part III
Articles Archive | 11/27/04 | Aaron Stanton

The KiloWatt is an all-system controller designed to make those best selling games of the season work to shrink our wastline instead of expand it. Can you get fit and play at the same time? Any game you want? The Kilowatt seems to think you can.

This is part III of GF!'s KiloWatt coverage, a humorous and informative series on the effectiveness of the Kilowatt as a gaming device and an exercise machine. Ready in time for the Christmas season, it's a read for everyone who loves games, loves a gamer, or is just worried about the extra bulge.

Make sure to start at the begining:

Part I: Introduction

Part II: E3 Hands-on

Part III: First Impressions

Part IV: Final Review

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Full Spectrum Warrior
game: Full Spectrum Warrior
review | 11/26/04 | Blaine Krumpe
There's nothing quite like a little realism in a tactical game. Originally developed as a training tool for the U.S. Military, Full Spectrum Warrior tries to separate itself from other strategy games by offering action designed to be like the real thing. Can you keep your soldiers alive under hostile fire? FSW let's you find out.
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