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Search for 'state' returned 43 results.

Xbox 360 Hits the Open, Hangs Out at Wal-Mart
game: Xbox 360
news | 10/20/05 | Aaron Stanton
Don\'t be surprised if there\'s a line in the electronics section the next time you visit your local Wal-Mart. The retail chain has been scoring some street points by being the first retail company to demo Microsoft\'s Xbox 360, hands-on and playable by the customer. Apparently, playable Xbox 360 demo units have been springing up across the United States. A quick call to our local Wal-Mart confirmed that an Xbox 360 was already sitting, pristine and nice, behind a glass display and a line of people all hurting their necks looking up at the screen. \"We set ours up yesterday,\" was the comment we got from the clerk when we called, \"and it\'s beautiful.\"
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IEMA Statement on California's New Anti-Violent Videogame Law
news | 10/12/05 | Shawn Rider
The Interactive Entertainment Merchants Association has released an official statement against a new California law signed into law yesterday by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who claims the law will \"require that violent video games be clearly labeled and not be sold to children under 18 years old.\" That\'s not a bad thing; in fact, games are already clearly labelled and rated for both age and content. And therein lies the problem: California\'s law does not recognize the ratings of the ESRB, and instead imposes a vague set of guidelines which retailers will be legally bound to. Needless to say, this puts retailers in a precarious position: In some way, every title must be separately re-rated in California, but the specifics of how that would work are not there. Click here to read more about the law and retailers\' statement against it.
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PSP's Red Death: Virus Masquerading as Firmware Downgrade
game: PSP
news | 10/07/05 | Aaron Stanton
A fair warning to all you potential PSP hackers in the world; there\'s a virus for your PSP that\'s masquerading as a firmware downgrade. With the release of an actual firmware downgrader, it\'s easy to see why people might be tempted to download this little virus and install it in an attempt to run their PSPs back to a more flexible state. However, the virus - called PSPbrick - ends your PSP. By deleting key files, the Trojan destroys your PSP for all practical purposes. Since you can\'t undo the damage without a functioning PSP to hack, PSP owners are basically out of a system. Of course, since hacking your PSP voids the warranty, Sony has announced that they\'re washing their hands of the problem. Such is the risk of system hacking. For those of you without a hacked PSP, you needn\'t worry. The virus isn\'t capable of transferring between systems without the user actively installing it.
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Nintendogs: Chihuahua & Friends
game: Nintendogs: Chihuahua & Friends
review | 08/31/05 | George Holomshek
Nintendogs is a sensation that is literally sweeping the world. It started in Japan ? where it drove sales of the Nintendo DS through the roof ? and has now landed in the United States, where it looks like it might do the same. The furry balls of fluff are cute and amazingly intelligent, and you\'ll find yourself talking to them in that high-pitched squeaky dog voice we all get from time to time. If your friends and neighbors have not succumbed to the game themselves, talking to your DS will get you weird looks, but you won\'t care; you\'ll be having too much fun. Check out our full review.
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China Forces World of Warcraft and Lineage II to Restrict Players
news | 08/25/05 | Aaron Stanton
In what we are assuming is a move related to the recent death of a South Korean man who played Starcraft for 50 hours straight in an Internet cafe, China has stated that it will require all MMORPGs sold within its borders to adhere to strict guidelines. The rules include that games must limit how much time a user can play in a given stretch before the user\'s character suffers serious in-game penalties. Games affected include World of Warcraft and Lineage II, among others that are less well-known to American audiences. The companies that operate World of Warcraft and Lineage II in China have both agreed to integrate the system once it is ready in late 2005 or early 2006.
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20 New Trauma Center Screens
game: Trauma Center: Under the Knife
news | 08/21/05 | Shawn Rider
Trauma Center: Under the Knife really impressed many on the GamesFirst! crew at E3, and we\'re happy to have the chance to share 20 new screenshots with you. Check out the tense surgical action of the first medical simulation for Nintendo DS to make it to the states, and then click over to our E3 preview of Trauma Center: Under the Knife to find out why this is one title that should be on your Nintendo DS radar this holiday season.
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O~3 Announces Chaos Field for Nintendo Game Cube
game: Chaos Field
news | 08/15/05 | Shawn Rider
O~3 Games is bringing the popular Japanese arcade shooter Chaos Field to the States for the Game Cube. Hardcore shooter fans should dig the full release, available here.
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Acclaim Responds to Criticism of BMX XXX
game: BMX XXX
news | 10/17/02 | Shawn Rider
Acclaim has responded to the recent controversy surrounding the release of BMX XXX, their latest extreme sports game targeted to a mature audience. The company makes some good points about unfairly characterizing videogames as exclusively kids\' stuff. Also noteworthy in their statement is the lack of any mention of toning down the PS2 version, as was previously rumored. Click here.
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Nintendo Cuts Ties with Rare, LTD (Microsoft Creates Ties with Rare, LTD)
news | 09/21/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
While Nintendo has made it official that they have gotten rid of their 49% share in Rare, LTD, creators of Donkey Kong, Perfect Dark, Star Fox, etc., Microsoft has yet to confirm details stated by Nintendo of America that MS has scooped up the London-based development house. This is big news and means franchises like Perfect Dark and Conker may find a home on the Xbox. Click for more.
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Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick Preview (PS2, Xbox)
game: Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick
preview | 06/04/02 | Jeremy Kauffman
We\'ve come along way. In a brillian move, THQ and their developer, Vis, have decided to use the State of Emergency engine for Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick. With Bruce Campbell and Sam Raimi on board once again, this could be the amazing Evil Dead game we\'ve been waiting for. Deadites and gorehounds click here.
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INTERVIEW - Victor Ireland, President of Working Designs
Articles Archive | 09/10/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Working Designs is a small development/publishing house that specilizes in finding some of the best Japanese titles available and giving us stateside gamers a chance to get in on the action. They've been delivering high quality games since the Turbografix 16 and have developed a signature style of addictive gameplay and superb writing. Most recently they've given us Lunar and Vanguard Bandits, two of my favorite RPGs on the PlayStation. Lunar 2: Eternal Blue will probably (hopefully) make its way into your PlayStation pretty soon, and Working Desings has two titles, Silpheed and Gungriffon Blaze, lined up for the Playstation 2 launch in October. I had a chance to ask Victor Ireland, President of Working Desings, some questions and get the skinny on their new titles, their creative approach, and those ever-so-sweet RPG translations.
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Game Industry Cracks Down on Piracy
Articles Archive | 07/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Just this week the IDSA (Interactive Digital Software Association, the trade organization for video game makers and the like) announced a lawsuit naming six individuals who have been copying and distributing, for a profit, all kinds of games. What's even more astonishing is that one of these folks is from Idaho, the great home state of GF! We just don't get much publicity for Idaho, and I felt like the connection beckoned me to write this article.
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EDITORIAL - Why You Should Pre-Order Your PS2 Now
| 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
As you are by now no doubt aware, the stateside release date for the PlayStation 2 has officially been announced as October 26, 2000 at an unexpectedly low (although I did win a bet on this one against Rick) $299. As you are also by now aware, Sony is not going to ship an unlimited number of these babies. While I can\'t seem to find my notes as to exactly how many units it was, I do recall shifting a bit uncomfortably in my chair and fighting off the urge to run to the nearest phone and preorder. And why? Because every damn PSX owner in the country is going to get one of these things (unless they are completely insane or financially strapped) as soon as they hit the shelves. If you saw any footage of the Japanese release, perhaps it reminded you of a business suit version of the Cabbage Patch riots of ?84\"mobs of drooling fanatics hopped up on barely concealed consumer rage and nearly bursting bladders, refusing to leave their space in line for any but the most dire of emergencies.
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