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Search for 'sim' returned 164 results.

The Student Who Beat the Revolution
game: Addi's Pebble
feature | 12/29/05 | Aaron Stanton
The Asia Game Show & DEE Asia 2005 had some interesting items on display, but the only gem was a student design project tucked in the back corner. Pebble, designed by Addi Lam, uses a controller that\'s very similar to the Revolution. Only it was built months before Nintendo announced anything about the Revolution\'s nifty control approach. This project was developed entirely independent of Nintendo. For a brief moment at the AGSDEE Asia, lucky visitors had a chance to see what Nintendo\'s been talking about.
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Zoo Tycoon 2: Endangered Species Review
game: Zoo Tycoon 2: Endangered Species
review | 12/22/05 | George Holomshek
Zoo Tycoon 2 managed to keep a number of people up late into the night in its original form, and now there\'s an expansion to help add hours to the fun. Microsoft\'s new expansion gives you things like sky trams, official Jeep tours, and a gun-less FPS element, but is there really anything new here? We take some time to run through Zoo Tycoon\'s new elements to see if there\'s enough depth here to justify a $30 purchase.
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How to Find an Xbox 360
game: Xbox 360
news | 12/21/05 | Shawn Rider
Via Major Nelson (the Xbox Live Director of Programming), we discovered Sean Alexander\'s blog posting about how to keep track of recent Xbox 360 shipments. Alexander describes a method of using the Ben\'s Bargains Xbox 360 Shipment Tracker along with URLy Warning, a program that allows you to monitor web pages for any changes. By following the simple instructions outlined on Alexander\'s blog, you can be sure to find the Xbox 360s as soon as they arrive in your neighborhood. Check it out.
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Backyard Football 2006 Review
game: Backyard Football 2006
review | 12/19/05 | Jeremy Kauffman
Atari\'s Backyard Football series is back, bringing the gridiron to the neighborhood playground with Backyard Football 2006, developed by longtime kid-friendly game designers, Humongous. The cartoon style and simplified gameplay are intended to bring younger audiences to the game. Is it successful? Check out Jeremy\'s review to find out.
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Xbox 360's Busting Balloon: Ads Beneath the Obvious
feature | 12/15/05 | Aaron Stanton
The launch of the Xbox 360 was marked by a series of rather strange advertisements on TV. Kids playing jump-rope. Kids playing with water balloons. Is it just counter-culture advertising, or is there something deeper to these ads? Simply, something deeper. There are subtle differences between the original, uncut versions of the Xbox 360 ads online compared to the shortened ones you see on TV. Gunfire in the water balloon fight? Is this innocent portrayal of children playing with water balloons actually a representation of Ghost Recon 3? The extra sound effects of gunfire and explosions, cut from the TV spot, add a dark and sinister atmosphere that are simply missing when you only hear about bears going on a picnic.
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Movies Made by The Movies
game: The Movies
news | 12/13/05 | Aaron Stanton
The Movies has disappointed a lot of people by being a great sim game, but a less than flexible Machinima tool. The sandbox mode, instead of being an unlimited playground for creative use, is limited in some respects by what you\'ve unlocked in the campaign mode. In an attempt to highlight the fan community\'s use of their game as a way to express themselves, Activision is bringing attention to one fan created movie called, \"The French Democracy.\" And they\'ve chosen well. Retelling the events of the French riots in October of 2005, it\'s easily one of the most interesting examples of using The Movies as a creative tool we\'ve seen.
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Creatures Exodus and Creatures Village Review
game: Creatures Exodus and Creatures Village
review | 12/07/05 | Shawn Rider
Kutoka is well-known for making unique and quality children\'s games. Their Creatures series has been a popular little toy in Europe and Canada where it\'s Francophone version wooed tykes with cute little fuzzy beings. So is Creatures the Tamagotchi of the 21st Century? Shawn\'s got the review here, to help ease the decision for nervous parents.
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King Kong Review
game: Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie
review | 11/27/05 | Aaron Stanton
As well received as Perfect Dark and Call of Duty 2 have been, it\'s possible that King Kong might be the best first person shooter available on the Xbox 360, if you\'re into the fantastic. With a launch line-up that includes at least 7 titles that you\'ll wanna play, the 360 isn\'t lacking for quality games, but King Kong manages to combine artistic direction and solid gameplay into a single-player experience that you simply won\'t find elsewhere.
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Need For Speed: Most Wanted Review
game: Need for Speed: Most Wanted
review | 11/25/05 | Matt James
There are a few major racing games out for the Xbox 360, but Matt James is stoked to be playing Need For Speed: Most Wanted. It\'s not the simulation experience that Project Gotham offers, which, for some gamers, is a very good thing. Take your driving skillz to the pavement against outlaw racers, avoiding cops and whipping through dynamic environments that include weather and time effects. It\'s a lot of fun, and we\'ve got the write-up right here.
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Amped 3 Review
game: Amped 3
review | 11/22/05 | Shawn Rider
Amped 3 is known for bringing the more realistic approach to snowboarding, but previous installments have suffered from a severe lack of personality. This time out, developer Indie Built has gone out of their way (and possibly minds!) to bring a much more appealing Amped to the table. Amped is still the best realistic snowboarding sim you\'ll find, and the robust story mode and enhanced control system help it stay on top this time out. But can it break out of the snowboarding game ghetto to capture the mainstream audience? Check the review to find out.
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Zoo Tycoon DS Review
game: Zoo Tycoon DS
review | 11/22/05 | George Holomshek
Microsoft\'s Zoo Tycoon series is an approachable, enjoyable franchise that allows you to build and manage your own menagerie of incredible creatures. It\'s the kind of game that is played almost exclusively with a mouse, and almost never works out on home or portable consoles. But that\'s just the niche filled by the Nintendo DS, right? That stylus should open up a world of simulated joy for us all, right? Well, don\'t count your ostriches before they hatch. Our man George has the review.
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PLAY! Symphony Concert Series Launches World Tour
news | 11/10/05 | George Holomshek
It seems like everytime we turn around these days, some symphony is cashing in on videogames. Who knew those murder simulators would also become music appreciation stimulators? Then again, what better medium to allow composers dozens of hours of time to work with: It\'s like the ultimate symphonic challenge. The recently announced PLAY! tour will bring some more contemporary game music to the orchestra pit, as opposed to other recent symphonic adaptations of classic videogame music. Check the link to tour info and catch it if it\'s coming near you.
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A Peak Behind Alice: One Woman's Reasons for Gaming
interview | 11/06/05 | Aaron Stanton
In all the hype of the videogame industry, celebrity gamers and stereotypes often become the representative face of an enthusiast group comprised of some of the most interesting human beings on the planet. Regular gamers are a vast array of individuals: fans who have never been content to merely assimilate to industry wishes, makers who have hack and mod, and young scholars and fashionistas who have legitimized and accessorized games. Sometimes it\'s nice to pull back from the glitz and focus on the grassroots gamers who make up the real gaming community. In an effort to examine the role games play in the life of a single gamer, Aaron spent some time with Janny Stratichuk, one woman who loves her videogames.
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No PlayStation LIVE for PS3
game: Playstation 3
news | 11/03/05 | George Holomshek
Sony recently confirmed to Playstation Magazine that they will utilize a non-centralized system for online multiplayer on the PS3, sticking with their departure from Microsoft\'s Xbox Live or Nintendo\'s Wi-Fi Connection services. Sticking with an online gaming strategy similar to how the PS2 currently handles online gaming means that game publishers have much greater flexibility with their online content. It also means that gamers will need different accounts for each game they play online, and also makes it more difficult for developers to insure an even playing ground in online multiplayer.
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Blitzkrieg 2 Review
game: Blitzkrieg 2
review | 10/25/05 | Blaine Krumpe
CDV\'s Blitzkrieg 2 is a hardcore grognard\'s dream: RTS gameplay simulations of famous WWII battles. Playing as either an American, Russian or German commander, you make the decisions about where and how to deploy your land, air or sea ordinance. The 3D graphics engine makes for some pretty explosions, and the rag doll physics makes the battle truly brutal. Visceral and complex, Blitzkrieg 2 is a must-play for any WWII buffs or RTS fans.
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