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Search for 'indy' returned 28 results.

Google Maps Risk
game: GM Risk
news | 11/11/05 | Shawn Rider
The release of the Google Maps API has led to all kinds of fun experiments, from the Xbox 360 Kiosk maps to Google Map overlays for the NYC subway system and walking tours of people\'s favorite places. One industrious gamer, Teh Diplomat, has written a version of Risk played on Google Map overlays. The game is still being fine-tuned, but for the most part it\'s there and it works. Playing on the satellite map of the world is pretty fun, and Risk is, well, a classic. Check it out.
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1UP Takes a Look at Gaming Webcomics: Forgets the TP
news | 11/08/05 | Shawn Rider
1UP.com has a good history of web comics dedicated to videogames. It walks through all the major players, from current videogame comic and freedom-fighting Juggernaut, Penny Arcade, to foundational titles like PvP and 8-Bit Theater. These mighty three have spun off entire genres in a fledgling industry, and many have made their rise side by side with the indy gaming website scene. Of course, there\'s no mention of Twoplayer, which has been recognized by sites like Joystiq as not totally sucking. Nevertheless, it\'s a good read and if any of the comics discussed are not on your webcomic radar, then you are really missing out. Check out the 1UP article here: Will Strip for Games: Gaming Comics Online
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GF! Weekly Wrap-Up Numero Ten-o
podcast | 11/04/05 | Val Townsend
This week in the Wrap-Up, Val Townsend, the Atomic Goddess, takes us for a ride through the wild world of videogame news. It\'s a beautiful thing: reviews of Far Cry: Instincts and Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2, plus a preview of indy game effort Project: Offset, which looks incredible. All of that, plus the latest news in the gaming industry makes this the best 7:37 you\'ll spend this weekend.
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Project Offset Preview
game: Project Offset
preview | 10/26/05 | Shawn Rider
Every once in awhile an indy game comes along that really makes you sit up and take notice. After seeing titles like Alan Wake or Darwinia developed by independent groups without the immediate support of a publisher, we\'re not surprised to see Project Offset, an epic fantasy first-person shooter in development by four individuals who want to play a really cool game (which is the best motivation for making a game). We\'re not surprised, but we\'re definitely impressed.
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New Darwinia Demo
game: Darwinia
news | 10/23/05 | Shawn Rider
Darwinia is an indy game that really shows how cool indy games can be. Set in a strange computer cyber world, Darwinia takes some of the coolest gameplay and graphics elements we\'ve seen in games and combines them into a really wonderful package that feels sharp, stylish, and is immensely playable. Fans of RTS and tactical squad-based games should definitely check out Darwinia, and anyone who loves that retro computer graphics look will be blown away by Darwinia\'s retro-future visuals. Get the latest version of the demo to appreciate Darwinia in its full glory.
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Gekido Coming to PSP
game: Gekido: The Dark Angel
news | 10/17/05 | Shawn Rider
Naps Team, an indy beat \'em up developer, has announced Gekido: The Dark Angel for PSP. We would normally wait until we had much more information before talking about a game, but we remember the action of the PSOne version of Gekido, and the crazy GBA version of the game, too. These are evolutions of a classic genre, beefed up but still feeling very comfortable. In a way, Gekido can be to beat \'em ups what Guilty Gear is to fighting games, and this PSP title might just be the breakout installment in the series that gets gamers to pay attention. We\'ll keep up with Gekido\'s development, and in the meantime you can check out these teaser screens from developer Naps Team.
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Jets'n'Guns Review
game: Jets'n'Guns
review | 09/14/05 | George Holomshek
Jets\'n\'Guns, from indy game developer Rake in Grass, is a sh\'mup fan\'s dream come true: A wacky story provides an excuse for you to pilot your tricked out, jet-powered instrument of destruction to horde after horde of enemy hardware. Featuring a scientifically verified \"buttload\" of upgrades and enhancements, Jets\'n\'Guns can keep you hooked on its uber-chaotic shooter gameplay for a surprisingly long time. Check it out.
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Galaxies Ablaze
game: Galaxies Ablaze
review | 03/29/05 | Blaine Krumpe
Galaxies Ablaze is a unique indy game that focuses on deep strategic and tactical gameplay. Hardcore sci-fi grognards and serious RTS fans should check this one out, and it's free, so it's easy to do that. But with the focus placed on gameplay and a serious lack of graphical game feedback, this is not one for the casual fan or anyone looking for pretty pictures.
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Editorial: GamesFirst! the Fourth Time
Articles Archive | 11/07/04 | Shawn Rider
On the eve of the GF! 4.0 relaunch, Shawn takes some time out to catch everyone up on the continuing saga of our favorite little indy webzine. This editorial links to articles that discuss GF! history and details the new features of new new GF!
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Indiana Jones and the Emporer's Tomb Review
game: Indiana Jones and the Emporer's Tomb
review | 09/26/03 | Eric Qualls
Good old Indy is back at it, this time on the PS2. Indiana Jones and the Emperor\'s Tomb is a great action title for fans of the Indiana Jones mythology, but not necessarily as great for fans of innovative, invigorating action games. Too bad.
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Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb
game: Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb
review | 08/26/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Good old Indy is back at it, this time on the PS2. Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb is a great action title for fans of the Indiana Jones mythology, but not necessarily as great for fans of innovative, invigorating action games. Too bad. Click for more.
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Interview: Dana Bruno of BrunoReport.net
game: Interview: Dana Bruno of BrunoReport.net
interview | 11/12/02 | Shawn Rider
Dana Bruno has had an illustrious career as an independent journalist working for the indy online news site, Newsdogs.com. She has been running her own site, BrunoReport.net, for awhile now and has recently become involved with the high-profile Search 4 E case. We were fortunate to have a chance to ask Bruno some questions about her history and her current investigation.
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Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb Preview
game: Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb
preview | 06/23/02 | Jason Frank
It seems like everyone these days wants to get out the old Indy and dust him off. Spielberg has Harrison Ford all lined up for another flick, not due until 2005, and LucasArts returns to the franchise with Indiana Jones and the Emperor\'s Tomb. So far it\'s looking great, and games might be the perfect vehicle to keep Indy alive and whippin\'. Click.
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