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news | 08/31/05 | Aaron Stanton
Probably the people most passionate about whether or not the Xbox 360 has a hard drive are system modders, who can possibly use the hard drive for everything from stealing games (bad) to running homebrew software (goodish). Now, the makers of the SmartXX mod chip for the Xbox have gotten hold of a number of Xbox 360 development kits. They\'ve opened the system and photographed the insides, which is a pretty good indication that the modding community is already at work on modding the next generation game consoles.
game: King of Fighters: Maximum Impact - Maniax
review | 08/30/05 | Chris Martin
KOF: Maximum Impact Maniax offers up all the frenzied action you expect from a King of Fighters match. But what about ye who do not know what to expect from thee olde fighting game? Well, you could pick up a deeper or more complex fighter your first time out, or you could just relax in some graphical splendor and fast-paced button mashing.
game: Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition
review | 08/27/05 | Gary Wong
The popular Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition makes its way to the PSP. Sony\'s little handheld has been starved for some high octane games, so DUB Edition has a lot riding on it. Does its engine stall at the starting line or does it finish at the top? Check Gary\'s review for the details.
game: Fable: The Lost Chapters
preview | 08/25/05 | Tristan Mayshark
When Fable was originally announced on the PC, it was going to be one of the greatest, most complicated RPGs ever created. That was the theory, at least. When the final product finally appeared on the Xbox, it had changed systems, lost features, and been forced to admit that it was not as sophisticated or as massive as had originally been planned. Still, the title found success where it counted: it was fun. Now, Fable is returning to the system on which it started, showing up on the PC as Fable: The Lost Chapters. We\'re here to help keep you briefed on what to expect from this wayward child.
game: Samurai Western
review | 08/21/05 | Chris Martin
The third iteration of the Way of the Samurai series is Samurai Western, a stylish, hack-n-slash romp through ghost towns and saloons. It has the action, but can the Wasabi Western satisfy like a fine chop-socky chili?
game: MobZombies
news | 08/20/05 | Shawn Rider
Browsing the always-interesting weblog, we happened upon this link to a really interesting project coming out of the University of Southern California Interactive Media Division called MobZombies, which puts you into the real world with a display that allows you to see the masses of zombies coming for your brains. Sound fun? Oh yeah.
game: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
news | 08/19/05 | Shawn Rider
Stephen Johnson, author of Everything Bad Is Good For You: How Today\'s Popular Culture Is Actually Making Us Smarter (Riverhead Books), wrote a wonderful open letter to Hillary Clinton in the LA Times regarding the recent flare-up of the old \"videogames are evil\" controversy. He brings up just about all of the relevant counterpoints to this month\'s mass hysteria and political jockeying. It\'s really a must-read.
news | 08/18/05 | Shawn Rider
The International Game Developers Association (IGDA) has created a Special Interest Group to investigate the issue of \"sex in games.\" They\'ve gotten a handful of developers with an interest in the topic together, and they\'re investigating issues developers are currently facing. Sounds useful at the start, but Ian Bogost, noteworthy gaming journalist, has posted a critique of the effort on Watercooler Games that has us nodding our heads.
game: Dragon Ball Z: Sagas
review | 08/15/05 | Blaine Krumpe
Dragonball Z: Sagas is out now for the big three consoles, and, well, it\'s another Dragonball game. Unfortunately, we\'ve seen power levels much higher than this in the past, and, well, Blaine will break the news to you as gently as possible in his review.
news | 08/12/05 | Shawn Rider
Koei has announced some new titles they will display at the Tokyo Game Show, which starts Friday, Sept. 16.
game: Supreme Ruler 2010
review | 08/04/05 | Blaine Krumpe
Graphics are not everything. In fact, in an ideal world, gameplay would trump graphics every time. Find an old NES at a pawn shop and go through some of the classics, and you'll find that some of the older games are still fantastic, even if they do look like they were made in the 1980s. Sometimes, modern games that deserve notice don't get them because of a little less polish in the eye candy department. Supreme Ruler 2010 might not be the best looking game in the world, but it's certainly worth playing. Take a look at our review if you're a fan of strategy games.
Articles Archive | 07/29/05 | Chris Martin
Game strategies are good; learning all the button combinations will certainly put you ahead in most games. Sometimes, though, you die no matter how carefully you follow a strategy guide's advice, and then it's time for some bigger guns. When practice lets you down, don't be afraid to pick up a cheat or two and float past that tough boss with ease. Here's a few tips to help you get off the ground.
game: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
review | 07/26/05 | Chris Martin
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas has really been getting headlines lately. We hear the Hot Coffee sequence is unlockable on the Xbox version, too, so you can adjust your personal scores accordingly, after you check out our review wherein we discuss everything else about San Andreas on Xbox.
Articles Archive | 07/26/05 | Chris Martin
Sometimes games are not forgiving. You find yourself battling a monster for the hundredth time, and you can't help but wonder if maybe your game system might look better disassembled and strung out as wall decoration. Before you start shoving peanut butter into the DVD drive of your console as punishment, take a breath and read about getting by those difficult situations. No matter what the game, these tips will probably help.
feature | 07/26/05 | Chris Martin
Fighting games come in many different forms. Button mashing might help you gain ranks in some, and in others that\'ll leave you a heap on the ground while your opponent taunts you. Knowing how to take on the game you\'re playing means the difference between life and death, at least for your animated character. Our man Chris takes you through some quick tips to get your fighting game in shape for Namco\'s latest offering, Tekken 5. Knowledge is power.
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