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Search for 'RE' returned 1520 results.

Xbox 360 Hacking Gets Started, Suggested Laser Beams Fail as Deterrent
game: Xbox 360
news | 12/18/05 | Aaron Stanton
Before it was released, Xbox 360 engineer Chris Satchell went on record as saying that the system would include security measures, \"the hacker community has never seen before.\" At the time we could only speculate what that meant. Microsoft was claiming the system would be close to unhackable. Now, it looks like the hacking community is making progress. Turns out that members of Team PI Coders have found a way to pull source files off the Xbox 360 as games are loaded. Let the race begin.
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Space Hack Review
game: Space Hack
review | 12/18/05 | Sean Hilliard
Is Earth destined for overpopulation and possible extinction? Should we pin our hopes for survival in the future on someone with the name \"Hack\"? Or would we be better off just praying for nuclear armageddon? Space Hack, developed by Rebelmind and published by Meridian 4 is a budget-priced indy game. That makes it automatically a cool thing in the twisted minds of grumpy GF! editors. But is it worth the $20 price of admission? Check in with Sean for his review.
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Slamdance Guerilla Gamemaker Competition Features Student, Art Games
news | 12/17/05 | Shawn Rider
Slamdance, the indy film festival that runs opposite Sundance (the just-shy-of-Hollywood film festival), will hold a Guerilla Gamemaker Competition this year. Featuring well-known indy and art games such as Cloud and Facade among a list of others. Slamdance will feature a Game Lounge area where attendees can play all of these indy games and Slamdance will bestow an array of awards on the independent developers, students and artists who have created some of the most unique games we\'ve ever seen.
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Call of Duty 2 Review
game: Call of Duty 2
review | 12/17/05 | Matt James
We recently published a review of Call of Duty 2 on every system except Xbox 360. So now we deliver to you our review of Call of Duty 2 for Xbox 360: What\'s different? Everything. Unless you were playing the PC version. The Xbox 360 is as pretty as a high-end PC running the game, so the graphics are amazingly beautiful. Fortunately, CoD2 developers Infinity Ward didn\'t need to add or change anything to make the 360 version a worthy launch title: The game is just that good. Cut through the glut of other WWII FPS titles and head straight for CoD2. Our man, Matt James, says it\'s just that good.
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GamesFirst! Weekly Wrap-Up: Lucky Number 13
podcast | 12/16/05 | Val Townsend
Val Townsend, the Atomic Goddess, is back again with lucky podcast number 13. This week, we take a look at the latest news, including speculation on Nintendo\'s recently hinted \"secret\" regarding the upcoming Revolution console, as well as Clinton and Lieberman\'s Family Entertainment Protection Act. We also have reviews of Perfect Dark Zero and King Kong. Finally, we take a look at Dreamcatcher Interactive\'s cult-hit Painkiller, coming to an Xbox near you in January. Download the latest audio offering from your pals at GF! right here.
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Infected Review
game: Infected
review | 12/16/05 | Laurie Taylor
Majesco\'s Infected has been a highly anticipated PSP title around the GF! offices: It has a great features list that includes zombies (big bonus) and online multiplayer (bigger bonus) that allows you to \"infect\" other players with your personalized virus if you can beat them online (mindblowingly cool bonus). But features lists can only tell you so much. After a long time anticipating this title, we were excited to get our grubby little zombie-slaying hands on it. Laurie came up with a complete review that let\'s you know whether Infected is the next big thing or just a biohazard.
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Xbox 360's Busting Balloon: Ads Beneath the Obvious
feature | 12/15/05 | Aaron Stanton
The launch of the Xbox 360 was marked by a series of rather strange advertisements on TV. Kids playing jump-rope. Kids playing with water balloons. Is it just counter-culture advertising, or is there something deeper to these ads? Simply, something deeper. There are subtle differences between the original, uncut versions of the Xbox 360 ads online compared to the shortened ones you see on TV. Gunfire in the water balloon fight? Is this innocent portrayal of children playing with water balloons actually a representation of Ghost Recon 3? The extra sound effects of gunfire and explosions, cut from the TV spot, add a dark and sinister atmosphere that are simply missing when you only hear about bears going on a picnic.
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Are You Ready for Code Age?
game: Code Age Commanders
preview | 12/14/05 | Amanda Bateman
We all love post-apocalyptic video games, don\'t we? Of course we do! Square-Enix\'s Code Age Commanders takes us to a world where humans, warheads, and self-propelled mobile phones co-exist together in a stylized action adventure game which will be appearing on American shores in the near future. CAC hasn\'t seen a lot of popularity in Japan, but will an English language release make it a hit? Amanda checks out the entire Code Age Project for us.
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Movies Made by The Movies
game: The Movies
news | 12/13/05 | Aaron Stanton
The Movies has disappointed a lot of people by being a great sim game, but a less than flexible Machinima tool. The sandbox mode, instead of being an unlimited playground for creative use, is limited in some respects by what you\'ve unlocked in the campaign mode. In an attempt to highlight the fan community\'s use of their game as a way to express themselves, Activision is bringing attention to one fan created movie called, \"The French Democracy.\" And they\'ve chosen well. Retelling the events of the French riots in October of 2005, it\'s easily one of the most interesting examples of using The Movies as a creative tool we\'ve seen.
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Kosumi Review
game: Kosumi
review | 12/13/05 | Chris Galbraith
Did you used to love games until your soul got sucked away and you spent day after day staring at three walls of a cubicle? Now you just can\'t find \"the time\" to play games as much as you\'d like? We\'ve got your solution: Kosumi is a multiplayer, turn-based strategy game that moves slowly, which might be just the thing for some gamers. Check out Chris Galbraith\'s review for all the details about this work-friendly gaming experiment.
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Xbox vs. Xbox 360 with Video Capture: Side-by-Side Comparisons
game: Xbox 360
feature | 12/12/05 | Aaron Stanton
Last week, we here at GamesFirst published a side-by-side comparison of King Kong on the Xbox and Xbox 360. By looking at nearly identical games, it\'s interesting to see the graphical differences between the two. However, the Xbox 360\'s major differences are in the ability to render dynamic lighting and environmental effects, which are difficult to see in static screenshots. As a result, we\'ve redone the article using side-by-side video capture from each system. The differences are both more obvious, in the cases when a difference is visible, and more underwhelming, when certain key scenes are difficult to distinguish between the two. Take a look, and decide for yourself.
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Madden NFL 06 Review
game: Madden NFL 06
review | 12/12/05 | Jeremy Kauffman
Madden 06 brings the gridiron to the Xbox 360. With graphics built from the ground up for the next generation system, it is prettier than ever, and sports a few gameplay tweaks to boot. But like all of the EA Sports lineup, it is curiously missing some features and seems to be catered to hardcore fans. So what\'s the final verdict? Read Jeremy\'s full review here.
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Konami Announces Castlevania Double Pack
game: Castlevania
news | 12/12/05 | George Holomshek
Konami has announced that a yet to be named Castlevania double pack will be making its way to the Game Boy Advance early next year. Two of the series most highly rated titles, Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance and Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, will be put on a single GBA cartridge to give players a double-dose of Dracula whippin\' fun.
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Auto Assult Turns up the Throttle on MMORPGs
game: Auto Assault
preview | 12/11/05 | Tristan Mayshark
NCSoft\'s promising new entry into an admittedly crowded MMORPG market may pave some new ground and bulldoze a few mountains along the way. Auto Assault is a vehicle-based MMORPG that puts you into a bleak future landscape dominated by greasemonkey aliens with high-powered weapons. A public beta is in-progress right now, so check out Tristan\'s preview to get more info.
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King's Quest IX is Saved By Gamer Loyalty
game: King's Quest IX (Now The Silver Lining)
news | 12/11/05 | Aaron Stanton
We here at GamesFirst want to congratulate everyone working on the King\'s Quest IV project, and a thumbs up to everyone that helped save it. On December 9th, 2005, Vivendi Universal, who owns the publishing rights to King\'s Quest, announced that they would allow King\'s Quest IV to be developed with a name change to, \"The Silver Lining.\" This came about after the gaming community pulled together and made enough noise to change Vivendi\'s mind, who had shut down the project with a cease and desist letter. Kudos to Vivendi, as well, for being a large company that\'s still willing to change its mind from time to time.
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