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Search for 'Horde' returned 7 results.

Gears of War Review
game: Gears of War
review | 12/19/06 | Chris Martin
The Xbox 360 needed a killer app to help counteract the release of both the PS3 and the Nintendo Wii, a game that would make their year-old system more appealing to potential Christmas shoppers. Well, Epic delivered with Gears of War, one of the best games to ever grace a game system. Even after the shiny new gleam has worn off, Gears of War continues to amaze, and promises to be a lasting online and offline hit for some time to come. Between Gears of War and Halo, Microsoft is holding some intellectual properties that will sell consoles, and you better bet that they know it.
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RIP Review: From Russia With Guns
game: RIP
review | 01/23/06 | Shawn Rider
RIP is a fast-action twitch title that is also relatively easy to pick up and play. The simple action is augmented by some strategic upgrade and skill development elements, which gives it a unique feel. For folks who love a fast-paced shooter with hordes of enemies and a dose of thoughtful strategy, RIP warrants a demo download at the least. Get the lowdown on this independently developed import from Russia in Shawn\'s review.
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New Dead Rising Screens
game: Dead Rising
news | 10/06/05 | Shawn Rider
Capcom\'s upcoming Dead Rising puts Keiji Inafune, creator of the Onimusha series, at the helm of a whole new kind of zombie game. You play photojournalist Frank West, who has more to worry about than celebrities gone wild. The dead have risen, and they attack you in giant zombie hordes. Sound fun? Oh yeah, you know it.
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Dead Rising Screens From TGS
game: Dead Rising
news | 09/23/05 | Shawn Rider
Dead Rising for Xbox 360 puts you in the role of a photographer in a mall. But you\'re not looking for the local Ritz camera; hordes of the undead are descending upon the mall, and you\'ve got to use whatever you have at hand, including your camera (and cameras aren\'t exactly zombie killing machines). And when we say hordes, we mean hundreds and hundreds. Get more on Dead Rising right here.
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Jets'n'Guns Review
game: Jets'n'Guns
review | 09/14/05 | George Holomshek
Jets\'n\'Guns, from indy game developer Rake in Grass, is a sh\'mup fan\'s dream come true: A wacky story provides an excuse for you to pilot your tricked out, jet-powered instrument of destruction to horde after horde of enemy hardware. Featuring a scientifically verified \"buttload\" of upgrades and enhancements, Jets\'n\'Guns can keep you hooked on its uber-chaotic shooter gameplay for a surprisingly long time. Check it out.
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Nemesis of the Roman Empire
game: Nemesis of the Roman Empire
review | 11/19/04 | Blaine Krumpe
Looking for some Real Time Strategy? Ever wanted to play Hannibal in a not-quite-realistic version of the hordes invading the Roman Empire? With enchantresses? Well, now's your chance. Nemesis of the Roman Empire lets you take on the armies on both sides of the war. Let our man Blaine tell you why it's a little different than that other RTS game you might be looking at right now.
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LOTR: The Two Towers Preview (PS2, GBA)
game: LOTR: The Two Towers
preview | 06/11/02 | Monica Hafer
The Lord of the Rings franchise has been fractured -- games are coming out from both Sierra and EA. EA has the movie license, and that will make all the difference. So far The Two Towers looks amazing, what with the hordes of orcs to cut down and the incredible interplay of film footage and game graphics. Click here to be amazed.
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