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Search for 'Monolith Productions' returned 4 results.

F.E.A.R. Combat Now Available for Free - Even Without the Full Version of F.E.A.R
game: F.E.A.R. Combat
news | 08/17/06 | Chris Martin
The wonderful people over at Monolith really love games. They love them so much, they\'re willing to give them away for free! And so it is with the much anticipated multiplayer side to the award winning PC game F.E.A.R. Go get your F.E.A.R. on now at www.joinfear.com.
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F.E.A.R. Goes to PS3, In Game Screens Jump Out of Dark Corner
game: F.E.A.R.
news | 08/17/06 | Chris Martin
First Encounter Assault Recon or F.E.A.R. hit the PC some time ago. It\'s scheduled for a November 1st release on the Xbox 360. Vivendi Universal has confirmed F.E.A.R. is coming to PS3 and we\'ve got the screens to prove it. Look for this awesome shooter to make it to the PS3 lineup during the PS3 launch window.
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E3 2005: F.E.A.R. - First Encounter Assault Recon
game: E3 2005: F.E.A.R. - First Encounter Assault Recon
preview | 06/01/05 | Blaine Krumpe
There are few things more mysterious than secret government research facilities. Whether it's the combination of the unknown, the possibility of really bizarre experiments going on, or the fact that a lot of them seem to be underground, government research labs gone bad claim their share of would-be horror games, and spark the imagination. F.E.A.R., an upcoming horror FPS, ventures once again into the depths of a government lab in search of answers. Can it hold up in a genre weighted by competition? Our man Blaine reports his thoughts after some hands-on at E3.
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Tron 2.0 Preview (PC)
game: Tron 2.0
preview | 06/04/02 | Aaron Stanton
Let the eighties nostalgia well up in you, for Tron is not gone for good. A new movie and videogame will revive Tron, and for that we are grateful. Tron 2.0 is an FPS (that data disc is way, way cool) that has you sucked back into the computer. With graphics that look about as good as the original film, this is going to be fun. Click here.
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