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Search for 'crashing' returned 3 results.

Criterion Takes Revenge on the 360
game: Burnout: Revenge
review | 03/26/06 | Tristan Mayshark
Attention Burnout fans, Revenge has arrived intact on the XBox 360 with a host graphical changes and some minor tweaks. Fans of the series should be so pleased with this Xbox 360 version that their pants, along with their socks, might just get blown off. Tristan can tell you why.
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Full Auto Preview
game: Full Auto
preview | 12/29/05 | Shawn Rider
Pseudo Interactive and Sega are teaming up to bring us Full Auto, a combat racing game for Xbox 360 that will have you bashing and crashing vehicles to your heart\'s content. We just got a bunch of new screens dumped on us, so we thought we\'d share them with you and add in some more details about the story, unique gameplay, and fancy physics engine that will make Full Auto go. Check it out.
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EDITORIAL - The Medium is the Medium
| 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
NORTHBOUND, Greyhound--just past Preston, UT (or ID or somewhere). Disclaimers have a tendency to strongly resemble either whining or lying. Having said that, the notes I just realized I needed for this piece are locked in the luggage bin of this bus (somewhere beneath the surly cowboy a few seats in front of me) traveling at the same breakneck 35 or so mph we are\"plus or minus the shifting and crashing around it\'s undoubtedly doing, as our driver seems to drive worse when he hasn\'t had a cigarette for a while, and Logan was sixty or so miles ago.
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