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Search for 'maker' returned 29 results.

A Look at Short Films Made by Neill Blomkamp, Director of the Upcoming Halo Feature Film
news | 08/12/06 | Aaron Stanton
Microsoft has announced who will direct the upcoming Halo feature film, and it\'s a 26-year-old untested short film maker. Neill Blomkamp, tapped to direct the movie based on Microsoft\'s tremendously successful video game, has never directed a full length feature film, and has most of his industry experience as a 3D animator and visual effects expert. GameVideos.com has managed to find three of the short films he\'s directed. If you\'re curious about the direction the Summer, 2008 Halo-release might be taking, take a look at some of the works Blomkamp has done in the past.
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Super Columbine Massacre RPG: Art or Atrocious?
game: Super Columbine Massacre RPG
editorial | 05/20/06 | Shawn Rider
Super Columbine Massacre RPG! is, needless to say, kicking up a bit of controversy. Released a year ago by indy filmmaker Danny Ledonne, the game has recently grabbed attention thanks to some high-profile posts on Joystiq, Kotaku, and the likes. Curious to find out what Super Columbine Massacre is all about (as if we didn\'t already know), Shawn downloaded and played through the five hours or so of game. Was it crazy awesome? Or just plain crazy? Check out Shawn\'s article to find out.
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Shadowgrounds Comes to Steam
game: Shadowgrounds
news | 04/25/06 | Shawn Rider
Meridian4 sends word of another great announcement regarding Valve\'s Steam service: Shadowgrounds will be carried on the Steam service beginning in May. Steam users will be able to purchase and download the game via their Steam client, and Meridian4 hopes this will expose Shadow Grounds to a whole new audience. The announcement also bolsters Steam\'s position as a major hitmaker, having already picked up several hugely popular indy creations including Darwinia and Garry\'s Mod.
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The Revolution's Least Qualified Critic
game: Nintendo Revolution
editorial | 04/21/06 | Aaron Stanton
When Keita Takahashi, creator of Katamari Damacy, mentioned his dislike of Nintendo\'s controller emphasis in an interview with Gamesutra.com, it raised the eyebrow of at least one of our editors. Aaron Stanton takes a moment to reflect on the irony inherent in the maker of Katamari - a brilliant game with a terrible control scheme - criticizing Nintendo for paying too much attention to how a game should be interacted with. Takahashi has become known for holding himself separate from the rest of the video game industry, as well as being able to think outside the box, but there are some parts of Katamari that could have benefited from a little influence from the mainstream.
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Slamdance Gamemakers Competition Announces Contest Winners
news | 02/12/06 | Sean Hilliard
The Slamdance Guerrilla Gamemakers Competition continues to bring innovative, independent gaming to the masses. But just in case you weren\'t able to make it out to Utah for the events, our man Sean has you covered with a complete rundown of the prize winners. From art-game darling, Facade, which took home the Grand Jury Prize, to the PopCap Casual Game award-winner, Odyssey, these are games worth checking out. And lots of them are available for you to download and play. So get the scoop right here.
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Bethesda Brings Star Trek to the Xbox 360, DS, and PSP
news | 01/26/06 | Aaron Stanton
Though we haven\'t seen much of the Star Trek franchise in the game industry since the release of Elite Force II a little while back, that doesn\'t mean that the series isn\'t still destined for further greatness. Bethesda Softworks, makers of Elder Scrolls and one of the most talented developers in the industry today, has purchased the right to make games based on the Star Trek franchise. They\'ve announced two games, including one title for the Xbox 360, and another for both the Nintendo DS and the PSP. Though they haven\'t announced anything, they\'ve also purchased the rights to create games for the PC based on the Star Trek IP.
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Slamdance Film Festival Guerilla Gamemaker Competition Finalists Round-Up
news | 01/22/06 | Sean Hilliard
The Slamdance Guerilla Gamemaker Competition naturally turned a lot of heads at Games First! GF! editors are excited about anything involving the words \"indy\" and \"gaming,\" and the Guerilla Gamemaker Competition doesn\'t disappoint. Check out Sean\'s in-depth coverage and see the future of indy gaming now. And follow the links in the article to sites where you can download and play most of these games for free!
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Nintendo in 2006: Reggie Speaks, Promises Resolutions
news | 01/20/06 | Chris Martin
Reggie Fils-Aime, Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Nintendo of America, likes to make huge claims, like comparing the sales of a handheld to the sales of a home console. Still, when it comes charisma, Reg has it in spades. In a recent News.com interview, the Big N\'s Big Man affirmed the company\'s commitment to doing things differently in the New Year, including releasing their next-gen system at a lower price point than the other two major console-makers. Get a full summary here.
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StikAx Review
game: Ministry of Sound StikAx
review | 01/08/06 | Shawn Rider
What does a music and video mixing peripheral have to do with videogames? Not much. But the StikAx sure is fun. The bizarre mixing peripheral feels like an instrument, and the powerful editing software would be a great value even without the actual StikAx. Embrace the media lifestyle convergence and add the StikAx to your list of things to check out in the new year. It might make you the next big WoW machinimaker! Shawn\'s got a complete review here.
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GamesFirst! Weekly Wrap-Up Number 15
podcast | 01/07/06 | Val Townsend
This week in the Wrap-Up, Val checks out the biggest gaming news of the last couple weeks, catching us up on any news we missed while we were stuffing our gullets on stuffing and gullets. She also checks out reviews of PoPoLoCrois for PSP, Kosumi for PC, and Call of Duty 2 for Xbox 360 and PC. After all that, she serves up a tasty preview of Chromehounds, coming soon to Xbox 360 from the makers of the legendary Armored Core series. Get the latest podcasty goodness from your pals at GF!
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Chromehounds Preview
game: Chromehounds
preview | 12/20/05 | Shawn Rider
Chromehounds is a big mech action title coming to the Xbox 360 this spring from Sega and FROM Software. FROM Software is best known as the makers of the fan-favorite Armored Core series, which makes them immensely qualified to tackle a next-gen heavy robot game. Taking place in an alternate history centered around Cold War land grabs, Chromehounds looks to bring big battles and big mechs to a console near you next Spring. Get the full preview here.
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Slamdance Guerilla Gamemaker Competition Features Student, Art Games
news | 12/17/05 | Shawn Rider
Slamdance, the indy film festival that runs opposite Sundance (the just-shy-of-Hollywood film festival), will hold a Guerilla Gamemaker Competition this year. Featuring well-known indy and art games such as Cloud and Facade among a list of others. Slamdance will feature a Game Lounge area where attendees can play all of these indy games and Slamdance will bestow an array of awards on the independent developers, students and artists who have created some of the most unique games we\'ve ever seen.
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FPS Creator Opens Game Dev to Regular Folks
game: FPS Creator
review | 11/09/05 | Shawn Rider
FPS Creator is a remarkably useful tool for making first-person shooters. Single player FPS narratives are possible using the many premade program elements, which can quickly be applied to your characters and props. Arena games are also supported, although we\'re no convinced that\'s the big attraction here. Really, we just want to make a GamesFirst! theme FPS like Deus Ex. Or maybe \"This Game Sucks: The Game\"? Keep an eye out for it. In the meantime, check out Shawn\'s review of FPS Creator.
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Twoplayer Comic: My Eyes! Arrrrrgh...
game: Doom 3
comic | 11/07/05 | Aaron Stanton
The Doom movie managed to hit #1 in the box office right after its release. Since then, competition from other titles have forced it down the chart, with one magazine reporting a 120% drop less than a week after it\'s release. Don\'t ask me how that\'s possible, except that - if the charts wrap-around to the top of the screen like many old NES games - that would put them way up there at the top. Possibly one of the greatest money makers of all time. Who knows? Take a look at this week\'s twoplayer comic (Part I and Part II) to see which Doom-isms made a safe transition from the game to the movie.

Twoplayer game comics are published weekly at http://comics.gamesfirst.com.
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A Peak Behind Alice: One Woman's Reasons for Gaming
interview | 11/06/05 | Aaron Stanton
In all the hype of the videogame industry, celebrity gamers and stereotypes often become the representative face of an enthusiast group comprised of some of the most interesting human beings on the planet. Regular gamers are a vast array of individuals: fans who have never been content to merely assimilate to industry wishes, makers who have hack and mod, and young scholars and fashionistas who have legitimized and accessorized games. Sometimes it\'s nice to pull back from the glitz and focus on the grassroots gamers who make up the real gaming community. In an effort to examine the role games play in the life of a single gamer, Aaron spent some time with Janny Stratichuk, one woman who loves her videogames.
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