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Search for 'vision' returned 98 results.

Lost: Via Domus Review
game: Lost: Via Domus
review | 03/22/08 | Shawn Rider
Never one to leave any stone unturned for clues about the next big revelation on Lost, our intrepid Editor in Chief, Shawn Rider, takes a look at Lost: Via Domus. It\'s a dirty job that nobody else wanted, and evidence that Shawn clearly has a problem. It\'s not a great game, but it is a solid six to eight hours of time spent with Lost. And sometimes that\'s all you need.
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Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Gleemax *But Were Afraid to Ask
game: Gleemax
editorial | 09/06/07 | Chris Martin
We went in expecting Magic the Gathering Online Version 3, but what we got was much, much bigger than we anticipated. PAX 07 was great for a number of reasons - concerts, contests, Family Feud - but Wizards of the Coast\'s ace in the hole Gleemax took us aback, slapped us around, and handed to us the most complete vision of an online gaming community we\'ve ever seen. Complete with indie game developer support, event hosting, and cross-game currency and trading. Don\'t know about Gleemax? You should, and here\'s why...
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Bioshock Demo On Xbox Live
game: Bioshock
news | 08/13/07 | Chris Martin
This came out of nowhere. The studio formerly known as Irrational (they changed their two divisions\' names to 2K Australia and 2K Boston) get a big pat on the back for sneaking their demo onto Xbox Live on Sunday. Bioshock, which puts you through the eyes of a crash victim who gets stuck in the underwater dystopia known only as Rapture, just went gold last week. Now, we\'ll get to sample what we\'re betting is going to be a ground-braking experience.
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Shrek The Third Review
game: Shrek The Third
review | 07/16/07 | Chris Martin
Following the events of the film, Shrek the Third puts you in the shoes of Shrek, Donkey, Puss-in-Boots, and others as they try to find Arthur and get him to be king. Taking cues from, and also satiring, the myths of both Arthur and the fairy tale genre, Shrek the Third places you in the middle of a fairy tale coup d\'etat (ask you parents, kids!) in the land of Far Far Away. Although it features many of the same voice actors from the film (including John Cleese), the game suffers from poor execution and vision, even for a kids game. This is one that we swear you\'ll do good to avoid, even if you\'re a fan.
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Guitar Hero 2 Review
game: Guitar Hero 2
review | 04/29/07 | Chris Martin
Guitar Hero 2 for the Xbox 360 introduces ten new songs, updates the PS2 graphics, and even revises some old songs in a very complete package. More than just a port, this version is a truly great and smart rethinking of the PlayStation 2 version. To determine how much enjoyment you will get out of either the face-melting new Xbox 360 version (or the old PS2 version, for that matter), you must wrestle with one of the most soul-bending questions of the ages: To Rock, or not to Rock? For those about to Rock, we salute you.
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Why Microsoft is Still in the Gaming Business.
game: Xbox 360
news | 04/20/07 | Aaron Stanton
There\'s an interesting article written back in 2006 that asks the question, \"Why is Microsoft still in the gaming industry?\" After losing $5.4 billion between 2001 and 2006, what incentive does Microsoft have to stay in the home console market? In fact, Microsoft has no incentive, unless you look at what the entertainment division does for Microsoft as a whole. Microsoft wants to keep control of the living room away from companies like Sony and Apple, and uses the Xbox 360 as a strategic tool for a larger company vision independent of its individual profits or losses. Additionally, there\'s an 800-lb gorilla in the room that keeps getting overlooked: XNA.
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Call Of Duty 3 Review
game: Call Of Duty 3
review | 02/27/07 | Matt James
Apparently, gamers will never get tired of killing Nazis. The Call of Duty franchise proves this formula by standing out amongst the many WWII shooters released every year. How does Call of Duty 3 stack up against its predecessor? Check out Matt\'s review to find out.
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Tony Hawk's Project 8 Review
game: Tony Hawk's Project 8
review | 12/28/06 | Jeremy Kauffman
Tony Hawk\'s Project 8 attempts to expand the series while catering to fans of the THPS classics. With improved graphics and physics, and a quirky new Nail the Trick mode, does it succeed? Read Jeremy\'s review to find out.
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Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam Review
game: Tony hawk's Downhill Jam
review | 12/23/06 | Matt James
Tony Hawk\'s Downhill Jam is sort of like a THPS lite, but that doesn\'t make it a game you should avoid. Building on the old-school THPS timed gameplay style, Downhill Jam offers up some quality gameplay on the Nintendo DS. If you\'re looking for something a little less intense than THUG or Project 8 for your daily commute or li\'l skater-in-training, the you could do worse than grabbing Downhill Jam. Check out Matt\'s review for the details.
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Naruto Ninja Council 2 Review
game: Naruto Ninja Council 2
review | 11/30/06 | Amanda Bateman
Do you need some ninjitsu in your portable gaming life? Don\'t get enough anime on television? Naruto Ninja Council 2 blends side-scrolling adventure and fighting-game style action, which sounds awesome on paper. But you might want to check out this review before making the big purchase.
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Avengers Assemble!: Marvel Ultimate Alliance Review
game: Marvel Ultimate Alliance
review | 11/15/06 | Matt James
Listen up, X-Men Legends fans, Matt\'s about to do you one better: Marvel Ultimate Alliance. With a roster that includes many of Marvel\'s top tier characters and improved gameplay, RPG elements, and graphics, this is a title you have to try. Captain America, Invisible Woman, Spider-man, Blade, Wolverine...can I say it? \"Avengers Assemble!\" Oh yeah.
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GF! Mailbag
editorial | 11/02/06 | Matt James
Matt James is back with another roundup of enlightening, provocative reader mail. We clear up the difference between Vin Diesel and The Rock, reiterate some of the features of the Xbox Live Vision Camera, and reveal a bit of our deepest insecurities to an ardent Jack Thompson defender. Sound fun? Then make with the clickity-click and check out the full story.
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Xbox 360 Gains Big Glowing Eye
game: Xbox Live Vision Camera
review | 09/26/06 | Shawn Rider
The Xbox Live Vision Camera is a great thing in most ways, but we wish there were more to do with it at the moment. Having just launched, not a lot of folks have dropped the 40 beans necessary to add a (slightly creepy) glowing eye to your Xbox 360s already too powerful and communicative brain. But the potential is undeniable: A solid camera and incredibly easy installation and configuration bode well for this device, which may also hold Microsoft\'s key to providing Wii-like game interaction without a controller. Get the full story in our eyes-on review.
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Internet Expert 'Bullies' Rockstar
game: Bully
news | 08/29/06 | Chris Martin
Jayne Hitchcock, president of Working to Halt Online Abuse an their Kids/Teen Division, has some words about Rockstar\'s upcoming game \"Bully\" for the Playstation 2. Her words are not terribly flattering. In order to allow readers to make their own, unbiased decision regarding video game criticism from outside parties, this press release has not been tampered with in any way.
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Videogame Violence Causes Subdued Reactions
news | 08/21/06 | Chris Martin
With videogames in the spotlight, and movies and television taking a backseat to criticism for a while at least, Professor Nicholas Carnagey of Iowa State University has conducted a study to see if videogame violence desensitises gamers to other forms of violence. Skeptics might be thinking \"of course\"; any kind of violence over prolonged durations will cause the viewer to be desensitised in the end. Well, studies are showing that it\'s much quicker than expected. You might be shocked from the results.
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