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Search for 'Backyard Football 2006' returned 79 results.

Forza Motorsport 2 Gets Second Pack of Cars, Free SEAT Leon Cupra
news | 09/22/07 | Chris Martin
The second downloadable pack for Forza Motorsport 2 has jsut been released, for 400 Microsoft Points. This pack is substantially meatier than the last one, including various cars from seven different manufacturers. A few Civics, two Lambos, and even a Saturn come our way this week. But for all you Le Mans fans, the gorgeous 2006 Audi R10 (#8 Audi Sport Team Joest) Prototype will be enough to entice you.
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Federal Judge Ronald Whyte Delcares California 'Violent Video Game Act' Unconstitutional
news | 08/07/07 | Chris Martin
Another attempt by yet another state of the union to pass an unconstitutional bill prohibiting the sale of \'violent\' videogames to minors has been squashed.

The bill, which would have imposed a $1000 dollar fine on any retailer if they sold a violent video game to minors, has before now seen preliminary injunction in late 2005, otherwise it would have gone into effect January 1, 2006. Since then the bill was pending investigation...
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Why Microsoft is Still in the Gaming Business.
game: Xbox 360
news | 04/20/07 | Aaron Stanton
There\'s an interesting article written back in 2006 that asks the question, \"Why is Microsoft still in the gaming industry?\" After losing $5.4 billion between 2001 and 2006, what incentive does Microsoft have to stay in the home console market? In fact, Microsoft has no incentive, unless you look at what the entertainment division does for Microsoft as a whole. Microsoft wants to keep control of the living room away from companies like Sony and Apple, and uses the Xbox 360 as a strategic tool for a larger company vision independent of its individual profits or losses. Additionally, there\'s an 800-lb gorilla in the room that keeps getting overlooked: XNA.
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Microsoft's Shane Kim on 2006, Xbox 360 first party support, and the PS3
editorial | 03/20/07 | Chris Martin
Microsoft Game Studios\' head Shane Kim sat down with GameDaily and they talked about everything from the Xbox 360\'s performance in 2006 to the negative feedback the PlayStation 3 has been garnering from a majority of the online press. He\'s fairly candid about his feelings in regard to Nintendo and Sony. And although he does a fair share of boosting Microsoft\'s image, he does have some constructive criticism about Microsoft as well. More inside.
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The Child's Play PS3 Gets a Second Chance
news | 11/30/06 | Aaron Stanton
GF editor Aaron Stanton has been trying to win a PS3 for charity from KISSFM 103.3. we\'re sad to say he didn\'t make it. But there\'s still a chance. One of the other contestants, Hollan, is considering donating the PS3 to Child\'s Play if he wins. So, if you want to help Penny Arcade auction off a PS3 that\'s been signed with personal messages by the developers of Microsoft (details on that in the article) all in the name of raising money for sick children in hospitals, you\'ve got to read this. We need to band together as gamers and make sure that Hollan wins this competition. We need him to win by a landslide. Go here and vote for Hollan. If you want to read more about what\'s going on, read this article here, and then go vote for Hollan. Before 4 o\'clock, December 1st, 2006.
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Company of Heroes Review
game: Company of Heroes
review | 11/04/06 | Sean Hilliard
Best RTS of all time? After sending our strategy freak Sean Hiliard into the battlefield, he realized that Company of Heroes is all that and a bag of potato chips. It might just be the best real-time strategy game of all time, and it is without a doubt the best strategy game of 2006. Get off your footlocker soldier! We have the reasons why you won\'t want to miss this one, private.
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Wii U.S. Price and Release Day: $249.99 on November 19th, 2006
news | 09/14/06 | Aaron Stanton
Nintendo has finally given us concrete pricing and release date details for the Nintendo Wii. The Wii will be available on November 19th, 2006 in a single bundle for $249.99. The bundle will include one white Wii console, one nunchuk and Wiimote, one sensor bar, cords, and a copy of Nintendo Wii Sports. The inclusion of the extra game is an unexpected surprise. Wii Sports was one of the most entertaining and natural feeling games shown at E3 2006. Tons of other information was released as well. Read the article for more details.
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Gears of War Emerges Alongside PS3, Sony Makes Angry Face
game: Gears of War
news | 08/03/06 | Chris Martin
REDMOND, Washington - Aug. 3, 2006 - Microsoft offices today announced that Epic Games\', \"Gears of War\" has been given a solid release date. Gamers have been waiting for the game since its impressive showing at E3 2005, and we posted our hands-on multiplayer preview a while back. But now, \"Emergence Day\" is not so mysterious and, guess what, it\'s releasing in November, right alongside the PlayStation 3.
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San Diego Comic-Con 2006- a Photo Journal
news | 08/01/06 | Monica Hafer
This year\'s Comic-Con in San Diego was hotter than ever. High points included panels by Tarantino and Rodriguez, clips of the 300 with a panel including Frank Miller, a guest appearance by Stan Lee, and many other dignitaries too numerous to name. Here is Monica\'s photo journey to give you a piece of the action.
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The Darkness Spreads To Comic-Con 2006
game: The Darkness
preview | 07/28/06 | Monica Hafer
For all of you comic book fans, a dark tale of sex and violence awaits in the form of the game, The Darkness. Based on the story of the anti-hero Jackie Estacado, this game is an FPS you won\'t want to miss that\'s slated for release in 2007 on the XBox 360 and PS3. Our correspondent Monica Hafer has met with the developers at Starbreeze and learned of the progress of this anticipated title.

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Halo Graphic Novel and Monthly Comic Announced
news | 07/24/06 | Monica Hafer
Last week saw the 2006 San Diego Comic Con, the biggest event for comic book fans in the USA, and an annual mecca for comic freaks and comic geeks from all over the world. In other words, it\'s our kind of place, and don\'t think for a minute that there\'s a big distance between comics and videogames. We sent our representative comics and games geek, Monica, to cover the show floor, and the first thing she brought back was first-hand coverage of the Bungie and Marvel meeting to discuss the forthcoming Halo comic series, illustrated by different artists, including more Halo from legendy illustrator, Moebius. Get the full story here.
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Brand New Darkness Screens Make Light of Game's Progress
game: The Darkness
news | 07/21/06 | Chris Martin
THe Darkness, adapted from the cult comic book from TopCow, was all but nonexistent from E3 2006 excepting, maybe, a trailer we\'d seen before. But never fear Darkness fans, because progress is being made and we\'ve got the screens to prove it. Inside are three high-rez pics straight from 2K Games.
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3D Realms Offered $500,000 to Release Duke Nukem by December 2006
game: Duke Nukem Forever
news | 06/10/06 | Aaron Stanton
Take Two Interactive renegotiated their contract with 3D Realms back in March, pulling two million dollars from the project at the same time as offering a $500,000 bonus if 3D Realms delivers by the end of the year. The $500,000 bonus is only paid if Duke Nukem Forever ships by December 31st, 2006. What does this mean for Duke Nukem? Well, it might get the title out the door. On the other hand, cutting money from the budget and then leaning on the developer to finish faster isn\'t exactly a formula for a quality game. A bonus might sound like a good idea, unless it leads to rushed development with lower standards.
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Comparing the CryEngine2 to Real Life
game: Crysis
news | 06/07/06 | Aaron Stanton
Several months ago, a number of EvilGamer.com images began circulating around the web. Released before the launch of the Xbox 360, the images compared PGR3 screenshots to their real-life counterparts out here in the real world. Now there\'s a new image that\'s making the rounds, this time comparing screenshots from Crysis, using the CryEngine2 from CryTek, to two real-world photographs. The results are extremely impressive. Combine these visuals with CryTek\'s insistence that Crysis will push the boundaries of both storytelling and gameplay, and you have a game worth keeping an eye on. Crysis is expected to ship for the PC in the Fall of 2006.
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The Official GamesFirst! Guide to Achievement Points
game: Xbox 360
editorial | 06/06/06 | Matt James
Xbox Live\'s ability to record achievements adds an entirely new dimension to online gaming. Suddenly, everything you do matters, and achieving a high gamer score is like managing to break into the top ten at the local video arcade (if you lived in the \'80s). In this article, we sit down with an Xbox 360 controller and a stack of games to find out the best ways to raise your gamer score with as little work as possible. Geometry Wars might be fun, but it\'s nearly a waste of time if you\'re interested in raising your stats. Madden 2006, though? It\'s a goldmine for even the unskilled footballer. And it\'s not the only one.
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