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Search for 'Viva Pinata' returned 31 results.

Gerstmann Allegedly Fired Over Kane and Lynch Review
game: Kane and Lynch
news | 11/30/07 | Chris Martin
If this is true, Gamespot will be allegedly losing one of it\'s finest reviewers over a critically mediocre game, Kane and Lynch: Dead Men.

Primotech stated yesterday that Jeff Gerstmann, 10 year veteran on Gamespot.com, has been fired.
According to a fellow Gamespot contributor and close friend of Gerstmann who wished to remain anonymous, the editor was fired Wednesday morning because of his negative review of the game, which he awarded a 6.0. Comparably speaking, Metacritic lists Kane and Lynch as currently having a 68% average from critics.

Although Primotech admits there might be other reasons for Gerstmann\'s leave, but as of now there have been no announcements by Gerstmann.
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Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Gleemax *But Were Afraid to Ask
game: Gleemax
editorial | 09/06/07 | Chris Martin
We went in expecting Magic the Gathering Online Version 3, but what we got was much, much bigger than we anticipated. PAX 07 was great for a number of reasons - concerts, contests, Family Feud - but Wizards of the Coast\'s ace in the hole Gleemax took us aback, slapped us around, and handed to us the most complete vision of an online gaming community we\'ve ever seen. Complete with indie game developer support, event hosting, and cross-game currency and trading. Don\'t know about Gleemax? You should, and here\'s why...
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Top 20 Things We Want in the Dead Rising Sequel
game: Dead Rising 2
editorial | 08/23/07 | Chris Martin
It\'s officially unofficial according to Capcom reps. But you know we\'ll probably see a Dead Rising sequel some time in the near future. Dead Rising sold over a million copies worldwide and became one of the staple buys for adopters of the Xbox 360. It was an excellent survival horror game with some great humor. The sandbox environment, multiple endings, and various side quests gave it longevity. Basically, we know it\'s coming on one platform or another. Not if but when it gets announced, here are the top 20 features we would like to see in the sequel.
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The Problem With Context Sensitive Buttons
editorial | 03/26/07 | Aaron Stanton
Viva Pinata is one of those games that continues to surface in discussions amongst the GamesFirst staff in a way that is normally reserved for blockbuster titles. Though it certainly is too far outside the realm of \"normal\" to appeal to every gamer, Viva Pinata does an extraordinarily good job of being different and addicting at the same time. Yet its simple gameplay has one issue. Through its use of context sensitive buttons, Viva Pinata managed to take a simple gameplay experience and endow it with the impression that there were too many buttons. Is it possible that what was once a feature that developers bragged about has in some ways managed to simply over-complicate the game?
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Life on Pinata Island: A Lyric Essay
game: Viva Pinata
editorial | 03/10/07 | Chris Martin
We loved Viva Pinata so much, our resident creative writer Chris decided to do some neato lyric essay work about it. This is not the review, go here for the review. But for an interesting take on the Viva Pinata universe, from a second person perspective no less, come on in. WARNING: language.
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Viva Pinata Review
game: Viva Pinata
review | 01/25/07 | Chris Martin
With Viva Pinata, Rare has produced their first truly standout game since going to bat for Microsoft. The pinata-rearing simulation may look like a child\'s game, but it turns out to be one of the most addictive and deep games to ever grace the Xbox 360. Reminiscent of simulation and collection titles like The Sims and Animal Crossing, Viva Pinata is open and never ending, addictive and compelling, and one of the best games of the year. Because of its unusual style it\'ll never have a fan base the size of games like Gears of War, and most Xboxers will probably never buy a copy even though they almost certainly should. Read the full review for details on what makes this game so great.
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GTR 2 Review
game: GTR 2 Fia GT
review | 11/24/06 | Chris Martin
The original GTR FIA GT was a popular title with the hardcore racing sim fans. Featuring great graphics, excellent control and near-perfect driving feel, the GTR franchise has a lot to live up to. So how does GTR2 FIA GT stack up? We let our resident GF! race sim fanatic, Chris Martin, run it around the track, and he brought back this review.
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Shall we play a game? Love to. How about Global Thermonuclear War.
game: DEFCON
review | 10/04/06 | Chris Galbraith
Introversion scored big with Darwinia, a game well-known for its unorthodox graphics and approach. Now, the indy developers from Britain have released the next big thing: Defcon. Defcon puts players in control of a huge nuclear arsenal to duke out doomsday using an interface that looks straight out of the classic game/nuke movie, War Games. Would you like to play a game? How about Global Thermonuclear War? Get the full story from our intrepid strategist Chris G.
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New Video of Alan Wake Surfaces, Hints at Gameplay
game: Alan Wake
news | 09/27/06 | Aaron Stanton
It\'s been months since we\'ve heard anything from Remedy about Alan Wake, the survival horror exclusive for the Xbox 360 and PC. Now, Remedy has tipped a bit of their hand again, showing some footage of their upcoming title at an Intel press conference. Much of the footage is more of what we\'ve already seen, but also the very first hints of what gameplay will look like. It\'s worth checking out, if anything just to see how they\'ve been playing with their physics since E3 2005.
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Dead Rising Review
game: Dead Rising
review | 09/14/06 | Chris Martin
Capcom\'s Dead Rising has been a phenomenon: Muthafuckin\' zombies in a muthafuckin\' mall, to borrow a phrase. It\'s a great B-Movie of a game, enjoyable and painful all at once. Yet for all of its blemishes, Dead Rising is worth every eye-straining moment of frustratingly awesome zombie whacking. It\'s not for the faint of heart, in more ways than one. Check out Chris Martin\'s review to find out why Dead Rising is the best bad game you\'ll play this year.
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And I Start Thinking of Killing Kombies: One Gamer's Struggle for Daily Survival
game: Dead Rising
editorial | 08/02/06 | Chris Martin
\"In Dead Rising, coming August 8th for the Xbox 360 game console, players follow the efforts of ambitious photojournalist Frank West as he investigates the strange happenings at the Willamette Parkview Mall only to find that more than just the Chinese food in the Food Court has been rotting...\" We\'re so happy for a return of the zombie game that we tied Chris to his computer chair with bailing wire (left over from the last time a gamer defected) and forced him to write about what makes a zombie a zombie. By the end of the three-day period Chris, a little pale from lack of food, fell over trying to lunge at us with ominous moans. He bit a big chunk out of Aaron\'s arm as he tried to post this.

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Dead Rising Preview and Hands-On with some Maladroit Zombies
game: Dead Rising
preview | 05/28/06 | Chris Martin
While we\'ve had our fill of space-age RPGs and the like, taking a tire iron to the face of a walking undead never becomes antiquated. Capcom\'s phenomenon Dead Rising is looking better than ever, with fixed framerate issues and polished, open-ended gameplay, not to mention the ability to smash a zombie with literally everything and anything you can get a hold of. It\'s \"Shawn of the Dead\" meets \"Resident Evil\" in Capcom\'s most promising IP since \"Devil May Cry.\"
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A Fishy Simulation: My Sim Aquarium
game: My Sim Aquarium
review | 05/23/06 | Shawn Rider
Formosoft and Viva Media bring us a simulation that has some promise, but which ultimately winds up floating on the surface. My Sim Aquarium promises a simulated fish tank, complete with 48 species and loads of decorations, plants, mollusks and whatnot. This could be a cool idea, if a bit wacky, but ultimately it ends up being a lot less thrilling that we thought it would be. Check Shawn\'s review here.
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GT Legends Review
game: GT Legends
review | 03/17/06 | Chris Martin
GT Legends takes the gameplay essentials of GTR and throws them into the golden era of racing: the 1960\'s and 70\'s. With a steep learning curve and a perplexing lack of information about how to race (even in the manual), GT Legends still offers a great simulation-style gaming experience for anyone willing to push through the difficulties at the starting line. If you don\'t mind figuring out for yourself when you have to stop for a pit, or that receiving a False Start warning means you have to pit after the first lap in order to avoid disqualification, then GT Legends will be worth your time.
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Fritz 9 Play Chess Review
game: Fritz 9 Play Chess
review | 02/02/06 | Sean Hilliard
Fritz 9 Play Chess could be the best thing to hit the chess world for the professional and semi-professional player since Bobby Fischer. The glory and drama are brought to vivid life with 3D graphics, customizable themes, variable views, and video tutorials in how to make your chess game better. Not excited? Then at least read Sean\'s review to see the best strategy for playing against drunks, morons and reckless monkeys. Seriously.
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