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Search for 'Earl' returned 79 results.

Three the Hard Way: An Analysis of the Next-Gen Super Systems
Articles Archive | 01/05/01 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
As we move into the next arena of competing systems, 2001's HAL9000 may be a ways down the road, but there is a wide world of electronic-gaming glory in sight. While most have hopefully known the awesome perfection that is Dreamcast, it does behoove both the serious and casual gamer to look at the upcoming choices and see what each new platform has to offer them.
PS2 has already landed and GameCube and X-Box will within a year. PS2 and X-Box should both be in the $300.00 range and GameCube about $200.00. Like most other technical-equipment purchases, it all depends on what you want your new box to do. The PS2 has made a serious leap forward as a true 'Set-Top Box' offering movie-playback and the promise of serous internet capabilities. X-Box will offer these also and Nintendo's new entry will at least offer online browsing. With DVD players dropping in price everyday and nearly half the houses in the country connected to the internet, these are niceties in a console, but maybe not the prime focus.

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EDITORIAL - Why You Should Pre-Order Your PS2 Now
| 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
As you are by now no doubt aware, the stateside release date for the PlayStation 2 has officially been announced as October 26, 2000 at an unexpectedly low (although I did win a bet on this one against Rick) $299. As you are also by now aware, Sony is not going to ship an unlimited number of these babies. While I can\'t seem to find my notes as to exactly how many units it was, I do recall shifting a bit uncomfortably in my chair and fighting off the urge to run to the nearest phone and preorder. And why? Because every damn PSX owner in the country is going to get one of these things (unless they are completely insane or financially strapped) as soon as they hit the shelves. If you saw any footage of the Japanese release, perhaps it reminded you of a business suit version of the Cabbage Patch riots of ?84\"mobs of drooling fanatics hopped up on barely concealed consumer rage and nearly bursting bladders, refusing to leave their space in line for any but the most dire of emergencies.
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Sega Takes it Online
Articles Archive | 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
One of the promises of the Dreamcast was Internet connectivity right out of the box. Sega realized early on that consumers not only want to game online, but to have easy access to web sites, email, and the plethora of applications that have made the Internet and the World Wide Web so attractive. Indeed, right out of the box users could plug their new Dreamcast into the wall and get online with a few quick clicks. While the Dreamcast Web Browser 1.0 wasn't fully functional on the contemporary network, everything worked pretty well. Within a short time you could download mods for Sonic Adventure, check out the questionable content provided by IGN, kings of the misguided headline, and, most importantly, access the external web and email. Odds are, some of you are reading this article on your Dreamcast right now, so you know what I mean. Hopefully you're using the 2.0 browser, which now supports Flash and MP3s.
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The Future of Final Fantasy
Articles Archive | 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
It only took a span of minutes before http://www.finalfantasy.com ˜s servers experienced an increase in traffic (no, not a DDoS attack, though it might have felt like it) that ground them to a crawl earlier this week with the release of the first Final Fantasy movie trailers, information on the storyline, et cetera. One of the downfalls of the site is that it doesn't go into greater detail of what exactly we can expect from the storyline. What we do know: This will not be a retelling of any of the previous games; It's set on Earth in the year 2065 ( when Square will be releasing Final Fantasy XXXXI ) where "cities are deserted, the population is decimated, and the precious few humans who remain must find a way to survive"; the voice actors: Ming-Na, Alec Baldwin (no relation), James Wood, Donald Sutherland (we all loved him in Invasion of the Body-Snatchers), Ving Rhames, Steve Buscemi (Mr. Pink) and Peri Gilpin.
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