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Search for 'Tak' returned 281 results.

Show Your Game Who's Boss
Articles Archive | 07/26/05 | Chris Martin
Sometimes games are not forgiving. You find yourself battling a monster for the hundredth time, and you can't help but wonder if maybe your game system might look better disassembled and strung out as wall decoration. Before you start shoving peanut butter into the DVD drive of your console as punishment, take a breath and read about getting by those difficult situations. No matter what the game, these tips will probably help.
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5 Minute Guide to Tekken 5
feature | 07/26/05 | Chris Martin
Fighting games come in many different forms. Button mashing might help you gain ranks in some, and in others that\'ll leave you a heap on the ground while your opponent taunts you. Knowing how to take on the game you\'re playing means the difference between life and death, at least for your animated character. Our man Chris takes you through some quick tips to get your fighting game in shape for Namco\'s latest offering, Tekken 5. Knowledge is power.
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Lunar: Dragon Song
game: Lunar: Dragon Song
preview | 07/21/05 | George Holomshek
Fourth quarter 2005 is looking strong for the Nintendo DS, primarily with a queue of upcoming releases currently unmatched in the handheld market. Along with top name games like Mario Kart and Animal Crossing (not to mention Nintendogs, which is driving sales of the DS through the roof in Japan), DS owners have games like Lunar: Dragon Song to look forward to. Take a moment to read about what to expect from the first pure-blood RPG to hit the system.
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Developers, Hug a Modder
Articles Archive | 07/08/05 | Aaron Stanton
Timesplitters Future Perfect has the best Xbox Live feature of any game on the market, and it has nothing to do with how well the voice chat works or whether or not you can play capture the castle. It's the ability for players to build and upload their own maps for download on Xbox Live. Aaron takes a moment to call on the next generation of gaming to go a step beyond that, and figure out how to integrate player created content into the console world, starting with Ghost Recon 3.
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Next Year. Swear to God.
how-to | 07/03/05 | Aaron Stanton
Funny that we\'d choose the Sunday before the 4th of July to take a bit more of a political slant on a gaming comic, but sometimes ideas come, and after a bit of thought I realized that there could be no better time to print a politically-tinged game cartoon than during the celebration of our country, of freedom, and of the ideals that make America great. Plus, it gives us an opportunity to make an old joke about Duke Nukem Forever, wherever it may be. This week\'s twoplayer game comic is called, Next Year. Swear to God.

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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Scooby-Doo! Unmasked
game: Scooby-Doo! Unmasked
preview | 06/17/05 | Eric Bodrero
For anyone that grew up - or are currently growing up - on the antics of Scooby-Doo, you'll be happy to hear that there's a new Scooby-Doo title coming this fall. Set for release on the GameCube, PS2, Xbox, and GBA, you can expect to be controlling Scooby through some really impressive looking cartoon levels. Take a look at this preview for an idea of what you can expect when this title hits the shelves.
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E3 2005: Fatal Frame 3: The Tormented
game: E3 2005: Fatal Frame 3: The Tormented
preview | 05/25/05 | Laurie Taylor
In terms of fear and clever design, the Fatal Frame series is very possibly the most successful trilogy of horror games ever created. Brilliantly introduced in the first Fatal Frame, and refined with the introduction of the first-person view in Fatal Frame 2, the series is looking to once again scare gamers with Fatal Frame 3: The Tormented, due out later this year. Take a look at what the new title has to offer in this E3 preview.
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E3 2005: A Meeting with Stardock, an hour with Galactic Civilzations II: Dreadlords
game: E3 2005: A Meeting with Stardock, an hour with Galactic Civilzations II: Dreadlords
preview | 05/23/05 | Chris Martin
Stardock let us take a first look at Galactic Civilization II: Dreadlords, the sequel to their bestselling 4x space strategy of the same name sans the postscript. We're happy to report that the project, though early, is coming along very nicely. Chris has the scoop.
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E3 2005: Star Wars Battlefront II
game: E3 2005: Star Wars Battlefront II
preview | 05/23/05 | Blaine Krumpe
The original Star Wars: Battlefront allowed players to experience their favorite Star Wars locations from the eyelevel of the troops on the ground. Whether you played on the side of light or the side of dark didn't matter; you were sure to enjoy using the weapons of Star Wars to battle it out in a galaxy far, far away. LucasArts was kind enough to take us behind closed doors down at E3 2005 and show us the goodies of the next game in the franchise, cleverly named Star Wars: Battlefront II. What are they doing to make a great game better? How about some space battles? Read Blaine's preview for more details on what you can expect.
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twoplayer comic: Relief After a Long Day
comic | 05/22/05 | Aaron Stanton
There\'s nothing quite like the first night after you\'re home from E3. You sleep in your own bed for a the first time in what feels like a year, and you wake up clear headed and able to write coherently again. You immediately go back and fix all the mistakes in your articles that you made while writing madly on the E3 floor, and then sit down for some quality time with your computer (or significant other, depending on who you are). Wouldn\'t it be nice if you could get that boost in energy from a spray can, like Resident Evil\'s First Aid Spray? We thought so too in this week\'s twoplayer comic, Relief After a Long Day=.

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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Dungeon Siege II
game: Dungeon Siege II
preview | 05/22/05 | Eric Bodrero
There haven't been many really great hack-and-slash titles since Diablo II left the stage a few years back. While the classic franchise exited in fairly good form, it left behind a void that's been taken on by any number of competent top-down dungeon crawlers. While a number of these attempts were solid, we're still waiting for the title that will help us forget just how good Diablo was. Dungeon Siege II attempts to improve everything it's carried over from the first game, and wipe Diablo from your memory. Eric sits down to lay out some of the details about how they intend to do that.
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Age of Empires: The Age of Kings
game: Age of Empires: The Age of Kings
preview | 05/21/05 | Blaine Krumpe
For all of its innovative design and touch screen, so far the DS has not really delivered the kind of different experiences that it has the potential for. Blaine identifies one great use of the touch screen that makes possible a thoroughly enjoying pocket form of Age of Empires: Age of Kings. AoK is a classic turn-based strategy game, and so far the direction this handheld version is taking might make it one of the first pocket strategy games to be as enjoyable as the PC version.
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First Impressions - Hands on with the Game Boy Micro
Articles Archive | 05/19/05 | George Holomshek
What's "just a hair bigger than an iPod Mini and 2/3 the weight?" The new Game Boy Micro. Nintendo unveiled the new teeny-tiny game system in a variety of skins and colors at this year's E3, and George, our resident Nintendophile, is the lucky guy who got to take it for a test drive.
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twoplayer comic: Meet Xbox 2 (Part 2)
comic | 04/23/05 | Aaron Stanton
\"Meet Xbox 2 (Part 2)\" is the second edition of twoplayer comic, our weekly webcomic based on games and the gaming culture. To take a look at the comic itself, try http://comics.gamesfirst.com. For a comment from the creators, you can read Noah\'s thoughts on the reasons for being an artist, which is apparently hair.
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twoplayer comic: Meet Xbox 2 (Part 1)
comic | 04/17/05 | Aaron Stanton
Meet Xbox 2 is the premier comic of our new weekly game related strip, twoplayer comics, which will appear every Sunday from here until we run out of good ideas. With E3 coming down the pipe, there\'s still time to get a few shots in about the possible form factors the different systems might take before actual details come out to mess up our fun. Check it out at http://comics.gamesfirst.com.
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