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Search for '3d' returned 37 results.

Review of Sandio's 3D Game O' Mouse
review | 06/04/07 | Jamie Gergen
While Sandio Technologies promises to revolutionize the way your mouse and game operate together, the learning curve is steep and difficult to overcome. Instead of improving your gaming experience and making you a better player, the 3D Gaming \'O Mouse will instead become an obstacle to overcome, as often as not. While the design works well for RTS camera controls, it falls apart when you move to faster paced titles like First Person Shooters. The inclusion of analog controls on the mouse may very well be a good idea, but not in this iteration, and after some time with the new mouse we simply can\'t recommend it at the $79 price tag.
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A Look at Short Films Made by Neill Blomkamp, Director of the Upcoming Halo Feature Film
news | 08/12/06 | Aaron Stanton
Microsoft has announced who will direct the upcoming Halo feature film, and it\'s a 26-year-old untested short film maker. Neill Blomkamp, tapped to direct the movie based on Microsoft\'s tremendously successful video game, has never directed a full length feature film, and has most of his industry experience as a 3D animator and visual effects expert. GameVideos.com has managed to find three of the short films he\'s directed. If you\'re curious about the direction the Summer, 2008 Halo-release might be taking, take a look at some of the works Blomkamp has done in the past.
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Prey Update and Downloadables Coming to PC, X360
game: Prey
news | 08/11/06 | Chris Martin
Prey is getting a few updates, some new 1v1 maps as per request, 6 new player models, and a whole roundabout of bug fixes for the PC version - heck, even the Xbox 360 version will be getting a patch soon to fix lag issues. We\'ve got the skinny right here.
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3D Realms Offered $500,000 to Release Duke Nukem by December 2006
game: Duke Nukem Forever
news | 06/10/06 | Aaron Stanton
Take Two Interactive renegotiated their contract with 3D Realms back in March, pulling two million dollars from the project at the same time as offering a $500,000 bonus if 3D Realms delivers by the end of the year. The $500,000 bonus is only paid if Duke Nukem Forever ships by December 31st, 2006. What does this mean for Duke Nukem? Well, it might get the title out the door. On the other hand, cutting money from the budget and then leaning on the developer to finish faster isn\'t exactly a formula for a quality game. A bonus might sound like a good idea, unless it leads to rushed development with lower standards.
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20 Days to the Prey Demo, 3D Realms' Joe Siegler Updates
game: Prey
news | 06/03/06 | Chris Martin
We\'re only 20 days from the release of the Prey Demo on PC and Xbox 360. That means you\'ll be able to see what the gaming media has been raving about since Prey made an unexpected appearance on the show floor at E3 2005. Combining traditional FPS elements with dynamic gravity, Spirit Power, and Portals, Prey adds up to one hell of a shooter. Joe Siegler from 3D Realms updates us on everything Prey and everything MultiPrey in the Prey Weekly Update. Shooter fans, read on!
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Space Rangers 2: Rise of the Dominators Review, or Why 2D Games Still Rock
game: Space Rangers 2: Rise of the Dominators
review | 06/01/06 | Chris Martin
Games like Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and Freelancer have become famous for their open-ended and near endless gameplay. With incredibly diverse player choice and a universe that\'s randomly generated each time you start a new campaign, Space Rangers 2 looks to give both titles a run for their money. The 2D RTS/3D Turn-based Strategy/Action title mixes a bit of everything into a game that\'s easily capable of taking on Oblivion in terms of the ability to go anywhere, and do anything. Space Rangers 2 is an unexpected gem that you\'ve probably not heard about, but should have.
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Re-shuffle This Deck: Metal Gear Ac!d 2 Review
game: Metal Gear Ac!d 2
review | 04/19/06 | Jeremy Kauffman
Metal Gear Ac!d 2 is another iteration of the card and tile, turn-based take on the fan-favorite stealth action series. The first iteration of Ac!d was not exactly a hit (then again, it\'s still one of the few titles created exclusively for the system). How does Ac!d 2 improve its game? It improves it with completely \"non-gimmicky\" additions like PS2 connectivity and an \"amazing\" 3D viewer that is guaranteed to cramp you up and give you a headache. Ac!d is a unique experience to say the least, and you can get all the rest of the details in Jeremy\'s review here.
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Preview - Lula 3D
game: Lula 3D
preview | 02/08/06 | George Holomshek
Lula 3D is an early release in the coming wave of adult-oriented semi-mainstream games. Featuring a wacky adventure story and gameplay, not unlike the Leisure Suit Larry series, Lula 3D put gamers in the role of Lula, a porn director who must solve the mystery of her missing stars. Follow Lula on a trail of clues that will have her traversing America in search of porn stars and lewd humor. George is on top of this one, so to speak, and offers up this complete preview.
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Goooaaaaal! Worldwide Soccer Manager 2006 Review
game: Worldwide Soccer Manager 2006 (Football Manager 2006)
review | 02/03/06 | Chris Galbraith
Worldwide Soccer Manager 2006 (or \"Football\" Manager as it\'s known across the pond) claims to be the most popular game in Europe. It features no 3D graphics, no compelling tackle or pass system, and no announcers providing play-by-play color commentary. Worldwide Soccer Manager focuses on the detailed strategy of running a soccer team: From finances and training schedules to promotions and contract negotiations, you\'ll assume the role of coach and micromanage every little detail about your club. It\'s not for everyone, but it\'s well-loved in certain circles. So we got our resident Euro-living American soccer nut, Chris Galbraith, to bring us back this review. Check it out.
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Fritz 9 Play Chess Review
game: Fritz 9 Play Chess
review | 02/02/06 | Sean Hilliard
Fritz 9 Play Chess could be the best thing to hit the chess world for the professional and semi-professional player since Bobby Fischer. The glory and drama are brought to vivid life with 3D graphics, customizable themes, variable views, and video tutorials in how to make your chess game better. Not excited? Then at least read Sean\'s review to see the best strategy for playing against drunks, morons and reckless monkeys. Seriously.
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Ear Force AXT Headphones Review
game: Ear Force AXT Headphones
review | 12/19/05 | Shawn Rider
Turtle Beach has long been one of our favorite audio component manufacturer for PCs. They have released their Ear Force line of surround sound compatible headphones, which offer great 3D audio. GF! recently took the Ear Force AXT headphones for a spin, and we found not a lot to like. Consult this review before laying down the $80 for an experience that will most likely leave you with buyer\'s remorse.
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Blitzkrieg 2 Review
game: Blitzkrieg 2
review | 10/25/05 | Blaine Krumpe
CDV\'s Blitzkrieg 2 is a hardcore grognard\'s dream: RTS gameplay simulations of famous WWII battles. Playing as either an American, Russian or German commander, you make the decisions about where and how to deploy your land, air or sea ordinance. The 3D graphics engine makes for some pretty explosions, and the rag doll physics makes the battle truly brutal. Visceral and complex, Blitzkrieg 2 is a must-play for any WWII buffs or RTS fans.
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Mojo Master Multiplayer Comes Oct. 31
game: Mojo Master
news | 10/19/05 | Shawn Rider
Wild Tangent and Axe, two companies that make us feel kind of oogey on the inside, have teamed up on a dating sim for dudes. Mojo Master puts you into a 3D world full of hotties to hook up. It\'s a combination of traditional conversation-based gameplay mixed with a card game approach to abilities. Make the right moves and play the right cards and you collect those digits. And with the addition of multiplayer \"Playa vs. Playa\" modes, the new version of Mojo Master (due October 31) could achieve new levels of sausage party shenanigans.
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GP2X Community Finds a Home on MyGP2X.com
news | 10/15/05 | Shawn Rider
The GP2X is releasing this Fall in the US and worldwide, and already a homebrew community is budding. Richard Weeks sends word that he has created a community website for GP2X enthusiasts called MyGP2X.com. The site features news and coverage of developments in the GP2X community. Recent posts cover the port of the GP32 Commodore 64 emulator, Frodo, to GP2X as well as the GP2X port of Duke Nukem 3D. If you\'re curious about the GP2X and not sure where to start, we recommend MyGP2X.com as a growing node. With recently launched forums, the site is bound to become a hub for GP2X news. Check out http://www.MyGP2X.com for more about the GP2X.
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New Prey Screens Revealed
game: Prey
news | 09/07/05 | Shawn Rider
3D Realms blew everyone away at E3 last May with the unveiling of their progress on Prey, a first-person shooter that features some amazing visuals, great physics-oriented gameplay, and a really enticing storyline. We\'re happy to put up these latest screens of Prey for you to feast your eyes upon. Check them out.
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